19. Movie-night with Liam

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About two hours later we sat and looked at each other. The popcorn was all gone, mainly because I threw it at his hair whenever he didn’t watch.

“I love Lion King,” I said enthusiastically. Liam nodded in agreement, before looking at me with one of his caring looks.

“So what’s up?” He asked.

“You mean other than hanging with you?” I asked a bit confused.

“No, like… Are you ready to go home, do you miss your family?” he asked and I suddenly understood that he was a bit concerned for me.

“No not at all, or I miss my family but they’re not home anyway. They’re spending the whole vacation in Italy. And I’m certainly not ready to go home, I’m having the time of my life here!” I said and grinned.

“Yeah, I bet,” He said and gave me a sly smile. I looked at him.

“What?” I asked.

“Nah, I’m just noticing that you and Harry are getting along well, Come on, you know you can talk to daddy direction,” He said and smiled again. I laughed shortly.

“Yeah we’re friends but nothing more. You and I are getting along as well that doesn’t necessarily mean anything,” I said denying what I knew he was pointing to.

“Yeah, but we’re not sleeping in the same bed and calling each other girlfriend and boyfriend,” He answered and wouldn’t stop grinning slyly at me. Suddenly I felt like I was in fifth grade again trying to deny my crush on the popular guy.

“That’s just a joke, and I can honestly say that if I had the chance I would love to kick him out of that bed,” I said.

“And why are we even talking about this? Did Harry say something?” I asked Liam. He laughed and tried to avoid answering by saying that he thought I didn’t care.

“No words are needed in this case. Isn’t the facts already in the table?” Liam asked me but as he saw that I clearly didn’t understand he continued.

“You always sit next to each other, you sleep in the same bed, you flirt ALL the time, even Louis gets jealous, you are always in some way discussing or teasing each other, and when you talk together no one gets through to you. You’re like in your own little world. You like each other, but both of you are too scared to admit it,” Liam said.

“And don’t take this the wrong way, I would love it if Harry finally got a serious girlfriend, especially if it was you,” Liam said honestly. I looked in his deep brown eyes and for a moment I felt like me and Harry actually could be a couple, but then I found my brain again and started laughing.

“Are you kidding? Harry and I could never be together, he’s Harry Styles for crying out loud. I live in a small town! How would we make that work?”

“You might not be famous, but you’re certainly a special girl Monica,” He said meeting my eyes. I felt my self panicking, I hated compliments.

“No, I’m not,” I said honestly. Compared to all the girls Harry could get I was nothing.

“Yes you are,” Liam said refusing to let go of this.

“No, I’m not! I’m just like everyone else, I’m not a superstar and I’m not Harry’s new girlfriend,” I said and didn’t even notice that I raised my voice. I could see Liam get a bit sad, because he didn’t want to upset me and he knew that he had. That guy was too sweet…

“You would fit perfectly together, the sad thing is that both of you are just too afraid to admit that this might be something real,” Liam said ending the discussion. I really felt like proving him wrong, but if I got upset he would become even more upset and I didn’t want him to feel bad.

Not how it was planned - A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now