6. A phonecall home

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The fact that I sat there studying One Direction reminded me of something.

“Do you think I can borrow any of your phones, I have to make a call,” I said while standing up. Harry reached for his phone before anyone else had the chance to react.

“Because you are my girlfriend,” He said while throwing a dirty look at Liam. “You will borrow my phone,” he said while handing it to me.

I smiled at him and went in to the room I had woken up in. I carefully closed the door and dialed the known number.


“Hi, it’s Monica,” I said and waited for a reaction.

“Monica? Oh my god, are you with Rick? I went to your house and you were gone!” Anna said before I could calm her down.

“Not exactly,” I said while smiling.

“What do you mean? Where the hell are you?” she asked and sounded like a worried mother.

“Would you get very upset if I told you I was in London?” I asked.

“YOU WHAT?!” she yelled so loudly that I had to remove the phone from my ear.

“Before you snap, let me just tell you one thing. I’m not here alone. At the moment I’m staying in One directions house,” I said and tried to suppress the scream that built up inside me.

“Very funny, not the time for the extremely lame sarcasm,” she answered with an impatient voice.

“Seriously I’m not kidding,” I said.

“Do you really expect me to believe that you are in London with One Direction, whom happens to be our biggest crush last year?” She asked with an annoyed voice.

“How can I prove to you that I’m not lying?” I asked.

“Send me a pic of you and Niall where he kisses your cheek, and I’ll believe you,” she said and laughed at the thought.

“Fine,” I said and hung up kind of disappointment. This reaction wasn’t exactly my plan, in my head there was a picture of us both jumping up and down screaming.

As I came out the guys sat in front of the TV. Louis seemed to enjoy lying in Harry’s arms. How the hell could I get a picture of Niall kissing me on the cheek without it getting very awkward?

“Niall?” I said and looked at him nervously. He looked up at me. Was he eating again? Seriously, that boy had a stomach with the size of the universe. “Can I ask you something, in private?” I asked and suddenly felt really out of place. Being in private made things a bit less awkward. As we walked away from the other boys I looked at him and felt a lot better when he smiled at me. 

“This is really embarrassing, but I need a picture of you kissing my cheek to prove something,” I said and tried to hide my blushing. He looked surprised at me for a second, but luckily didn’t ask anything.

“Sure,” he said while grinning. I took the phone up and looked straight into the camera with a flirty face. This could get interesting. Niall leaned in and held his lips against my cheek.

Just as I took the picture harry walked in.

“What is going on here?” He asked and pretended to be angry. Niall laughed and pointed at me.

“Her suggestion,” I ignored Harry for a second and looked at the picture before I send it.

If you looked really close you could see Harry’s face in the left corner.

“Nothing dangerous, honey,” I said and gave him a soft pat on the shoulders. The joke about me and Harry being together was kind of funny. We had known each other for less than twenty-four hours, and it already felt natural to call him honey.

Only a few seconds later the phone buzzed. I recognized Anna’s number and took it.

“Happy?” I asked with a smile.

The next half hour I spent trying to convince that it wasn’t photoshop . At last she finally believed me.

“But how the hell did you end up with One Direction?” She asked and was clearly still shocked.

The next ten minutes I spent explaining everything. My explanation ended with me telling about losing my phone, passport and wallet.

“But how are you going to get home?” she asked worried.

“That’s were you’re coming in, I hoped you could come here and find a hotel were we could stay together until I find out what to do about my missing passport,” I said and smiled at the thought of being in London with Anna.

“You know I can’t do that. I just got my new job, and there is not a chance that I’m getting time of the first week. And even if I did, there is no way that I have that kind of money. I’m really sorry, but you will figure this out. And if you don’t… Well let’s just say that I’m not feeling bad for you, you are the luckiest girl in the world,” She said.

We talked for a bit longer but then she had to go. She was my only chance, because there was no other friend who I trusted enough, and my parents were not an option. Being as conservative as they were, calling them and telling about me getting drunk and waking up in a strangers bed didn’t sound tempting.

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