20. One simple touch

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“So since Niall’s out of town and all the others are at their girlfriend’s place it’s just you and me tonight,” Harry said and gave me a beautiful smile that showed his dimples.

“Oh, that’s right,” I said not sure if I liked the idea or hated it. Harry sat the food at the table and tossed him self on the coach.

“Dig in,” He said and made a gesture towards the food. I smiled and sat next to him.

“So I thought we might see a movie. We’ve got the typical Titanic or some horror movie,” he said while taking a huge bite of his food.

“I think we should go for the horror movie, I get extremely moody when I watch titanic,” I said. He laughed and agreed to my choice.

“Just say if you need to hold my hand,” Harry said and gave me cheeky smile.

“In your dreams honey, I’m not easily frightened,” I said and smiled at him. “Just say if you need mine,” I added and laughed. We sat with a little space between us, and I couldn’t quite decide if it was an awkward space or not. I took one pillow in front of me. Harry looked at me with his eyebrows raised.

“Just in case,” I said and smiled. The movie started with some terrible music and I could already feel my self getting scared. The bad combination of loud music, no light and a loud wind blowing outside made me terrified before the plot in the movie began. I regularly looked at Harry, but often he was already looking at me. His beautiful dimples where right there all the time. He offered me a blanket and I nodded. Silently he folded it over us, and I felt a bit better. This movie was really scaring the hell out of me. I took my hands under the carpets and was surprised to crash into Harry’s hand. I met his green eyes. He offered me his hand, but he could feel me considering if I should take it or not. Before I could make a decision he took my hand confidently. Our fingers were instantly linked firmly to each other. My fingers fitted perfectly between his like it was were they belonged. The warmth of his hand put a smile on my face.

As the mood in the movie tensed up, and right at the moment where you’re only waiting for the killer to pop up I threw my self towards Harry. I practically sat on top of him and held a good grip of his hand. He gave me a surprised look.

“Shut up,” I said but couldn’t stop the smile. He put his other arm around me, and it felt like a reassurance that I was safe.

“It’s okay,” He said and could probably feel that my whole body was shaking. I had no idea why I suddenly was so afraid; I normally didn’t get that scared while watching movies.

When the movie finally ended I looked at Harry. How the hell was I going to get some sleep now? The face of the murderer in the movie was all I could think about, and even the slightest sound made me jump.

Ten minutes later we both lay in bed. I was waiting impatiently for Harry to fall a sleep, but he didn’t seem to be tired. I felt really cold and unsafe, and the fact that I didn’t have any human contact, or any sound that reminded me that I wasn’t in the movie made me so scared that I was about to die. After about 30 seconds I lost my patience.

“Can you fall asleep soon?” I asked Harry and tried to look at his face.

“Why do you want me to sleep?” he asked confused.

“So I can hear your reassuring snoring so I know that you’re here, and that I’m not laying here alone waiting to get killed,” I said and could feel my self blush. Luckily it was dark in the room, and there were no chance of him seeing it. He laughed shortly before getting interrupted by my punch.

“It’s not funny!” I said. I could hear him smile.

“It’s okay sweetcheeks,” he said and suddenly moved beside me. He sneaked his arm under my head so I ended up with my head on his chest.

“You’re safe with me,” He said softly while gently stroking me on my shoulder with his fingertips.

Normally I wouldn’t know how to react to this gesture, but in this moment I was so filled with fear that I curled closer up to him and held my hand across his stomach.

“If not, I hope he kills you first,” I said and smiled. He laughed his hoarse laughter.

“He’s not getting any of us,” he said. Suddenly I wasn’t tired at all. I just enjoyed the incredible tickling in my tummy and smiled at the roof. If I had known this exact moment would happen a year ago, I’d probably fainted. But right now it wasn’t the fact that I was lying with the famous Harry Styles that made me happy, it was the fact that I was cuddling with the Harry I’d always dreamed of knowing. As I laid there thinking, I could hear his breathing getting heavier and after a while turn in to snoring.

“Good night,” I whispered silently.

“Aren’t they just adorable?” I could hear someone say.

“Yeah, they’re totally going to hook up soon,” another voice said.

“Who says they already haven’t?” a third voice said. I was awake but didn’t have the energy to really wake up to see what was going on. Suddenly I became aware of the arms that were holding me tight. It only took a moment before I remembered what happened last night, and as I thought about the handholding I could feel a tickling feeling inside.

“I guess we should leave them alone?” someone said.

“YES,” I could hear Harry roar at them with his sleepy voice. They all laughed, but I could hear them stepping out.

“Finally,” Harry mumbled to himself and I could feel that his breathing in my neck.

“Stop breathing, it’s tickling,” I said and smiled. Harry slowly pulled his arms away from me, allowing me to turn around.

“So you want me to stop breathing?” he asked.

“No of course not, just don’t breath down my neck, it tickles,” I said and smiled at him.

“Well if you think that tickles, what do you think about this?” asked as he sneaked up to my neck. Slowly with his fingertips he removed my hair allowing him to put his lips to my neck. He kissed so carefully that I barely felt it, but even though it sent shivers through my whole body.

“You look beautiful,” he murmured against my neck before kissing it slowly again.

“Stop, I know I don’t. I look terrible without make up,” I answered. He pulled away, and sat himself half way up so he was kind of bending over me. I was startled by the closeness, but didn’t move a centimeter. For a fantastic moment I thought he would kiss me, but he did something else.

“Don’t need make up, to cover up, being the way that you are is enough,” He sang the known lyrics from What makes you beautiful. His incredible voice made me smile.

“You haven’t been to one of our concerts yet,” he said and smiled, while sitting up.

“I was at one as I told you. And I’ve got to say, when you sing that part about people going all the way and doing your little dance moves the crowd really exploded,” I said and laughed at the memory. What I didn’t tell was that I probably was the one screaming loudest of them all when he did.

“Bitches love my hipthrust,” He said and gave me his cheeky smile.

“Jerk,” I said and gave him a soft push in his chest before standing up.

“Ready for breakfast?” I asked. He nodded while smiling hugely at me. At that moment everything felt perfect. Of all the times I had dreamed of One Direction, and how I would meet them nothing had prepared me for this. This was certainly not how it was planned.

Not how it was planned - A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now