5. Starting to feel comfortable

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The smell of food made me go to the kitchen. There were huge piles of take-out food. Probably enough food for a whole army.

For a while, I had no idea for how long I had to stay with the boys. The thought of it wasn’t longer as bad as it was a few hours ago. They already felt like my best friends. As a fan I’d always believed that they were nice, but that was the understatement of the year. Nicer boys were hard to find.

Because of the circumstances I had no choice but to stay here. During the last hours I discovered that the drunken version of me was very open about everything, and also a bit clumsy. Because in the last 24 hours I had managed to loose my passport, credit card, and my phone. So the situation now gave me no other option but to stay exactly where I was. Without money there weren’t many places to go.

As we ate the food we talked about a lot of different stuff. To my surprise the boys were exactly as I had thought they were a year ago.

“So are you a big fan?” Liam asked me. I swallowed the food in my mouth and noticed that they were looking at me. The thought of being their fan sent me a year back.

There was a soft wind that made the sun a bit more bearable. This kind of wetter was pretty special so Anna and I were lying on the beach trying to tan. The calming sound of the waves hitting the beach gave me chills, and in that moment everything was perfect. Anna turned around and looked at me.

“It doesn’t get much better than this, does it?” She asked while she shoved some peanuts into her mouth.

“The One Direction concert will probably beat a moment like this, but I can absolutely see what you mean,” I answered with a huge grin. Whenever the subject One Direction came up, which was quite often, I always smiled. She nodded in agreement and ate some more peanuts.

“Do you like ever stop eating?” I asked getting tired of the chewing sound. She just grinned at me.

“Nope, that’s why Niall and I are perfect for each other,” she said and seemed happy at the thought. As nerdy as we were we had dreamed about getting to know One Direction more than a million times.

“Well, when we’re going to the concert you just have to get his attention, that wouldn’t be to hard is just like a billion other girls that wants the same,” I said with a sarcastic tone.

“Don’t be negative, we always get the boys we want. Just believe, and anyway you’re just mad because your heart is torn between Harry and Liam,” she answered.

“Yeah about that, I’m pretty sure Liam is my final choice. Harry is really hot and all, but Liam is such a good guy. I think we would make a better couple than me and Harry,” I said and I would have been embarrassed to given this so much thought, but luckily Anna and I could talk about everything. Even crazy boy obsessions.

“Are you fucking kidding me? Harry is you with darker hair and a penis!” She grinned at me.

“What? He is such a flirt!” I said while looking at her. She laughed before she looked at me with something that reminded me a bit of serious eyes.

“You’re just scared that he would break your heart, before you broke his,”

That made me silent and I decided to let it go and just enjoy the sun. I wouldn’t get the opportunity to choose anyway.

They had been really nice and honest to me, so I felt pressured into telling the truth. Or not the whole truth, that would just be suicide. Telling them how I stalked them in ever possible way and hoped I would marry them, would be a social suicide so that wasn’t an option.

“To be honest I was a really big fan of you guys a year ago, me and my friend went to a concert and hoped that we would stand out in the crowd. But of course we didn’t and after that I understood that there was no point in hoping to meet you. Of course if I had known that I would wake up one day in Harry Styles bed it would change things,” I said and smiled nervously. That was at least a bit true. Because after the concert I understood how crazy it was to dream about dating them, so I let go of my obsession.

“Who was your favorite in the band? It was me, wasn’t’ it?” Harry said with a confident smile. I looked at him. He was a very charming type, but something about boys that were hot and very confidence wasn’t my favorite types. So even though Harry was my favorite member together with Liam, there was no way I was telling him that.

“Actually, Liam was,” I said grinning at Liam. That made the other boys laugh. It was clearly that they weren’t used to girls turning Harry down.

“You know he’s got a girlfriend, right?” Harry said with a grumpy tone, but even though he pretended to be disappointed he was barely keeping him self from laughing.

“That’s only a challenge, right?” I said while grinning at Liam. Liam smiled at me. Of course I wasn’t that kind of interested in Liam, I knew there was not a chance I could ever get any of these boys. Not to mention that I loved Danielle and Liam as a couple.

“But I found you first, so you are my girlfriend,” Harry said and put his arms around me and gave Liam a glance.

“Mine,” he said through gritted teeth. I started laughing and surrendered to his arms. To be honest I felt some serious tickling inside my stomach, who wouldn’t? After all he was Harry.

“What about me?” Louis asked and pretended to cry. Harry just shrugged and mumbled something.

When Harry pulled back I smiled at him. His curly hair was a bit messy after holding me.

“Okay, maybe I’ll be your girlfriend, but first you have to prove that you are worth it, and I can’t promise that I’ll stay away from Liam,” I said laughing. Harry took his fists in the air.

“YES!” He said before laughing. When I stopped laughing I discovered that Louis had disappeared underneath the table, and seemed to be crying. When Louis finally gathered him self and sat normally at the table again the conversation went back to normal. Suddenly I thought of something. Of course since I’ve been such a fan, not to mention stalker, I knew that they didn’t all live to together. Harry and Louis were the only ones who lived together. Then why where they all together in this house?

“Erm, do you live together all five of you?” I asked pretending not to know too much about them.

“Harold and I live together, but the others live by them selves, but since it’s vacation and we aren’t going anywhere for two months we decided to rent a house so we wouldn’t miss each other that much,” Louis answered. I smiled at him.

“You guys are so cute,” I said and laughed.

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