15. The upper hand

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“Honeeey, are you coming?” Harry yelled from his bed. He sounded like a little boy, and I smiled, but the smile froze when I looked at the mirror.

Oh god… How the hell am I going to wear that in front of him? I can’t, I said to myself and started taking it of.

“Come on, I will fall asleep if you don’t get in here soon. I need a girl! It feels like I’m neutered,” I could hear him say.

I instantly stopped taking it off. That asshole, I thought and fixed it so it looked at least a bit better. Time to be a slut, I quickly fixed my hair. After all, you can’t let the famous one waiting.

Dress to impress, was the thing going through my mind as I went into my room.

I tried to walk a bit slowly, so he would get a good look at my outfit. When I finally dared to look up, I tried to look completely calm and I even managed to smile while biting my lip. I was hoping that it would look good, but honestly I had no idea how I looked. But when I saw Harry’s face I didn’t need to, because I definitively could see what he meant about my new outfit.

He was sitting up in bed waiting for me, I had no idea why, but he was now giving me his full attention. I barely noticed that he slowly put the tip of his tongue in the corner of his mouth while eyeing me from head to toe. For a second it looked like he was struggling to find something to say.

“Uum, did you buy that today?” He asked and was clearly trying to keep himself in control.

“Mhm, do you like it?” I asked with an innocent smile. I jumped beside him and made sure that the covers didn’t hide me. To my surprise he met my eyes for the first time since I walked in the room.

“Yeah, it’s … um… nice,” He said and smiled. I smiled warmly at him and thanked him. I was quite enjoying that the roles were switched. He was always the one leaving me on my toes, but now I had the power. Actually I enjoyed it so much that I wasn’t ready to let go of the power.

“Can you remove the prize tag?” I asked and turned my back to him. I silently gathered my hair and put it to side so he could find it.

“Sure,” He said and I knew I had caught him off guard. I could feel his fingers trembling while trying to find it. His fingertips barely touch my skin, but just a small touch like that meant a lot in this moment. The way he touched me was so unexpected when I thought off the usual Harry Styles who was always cocky.

“I can’t find it,” he said after a while. I turned around and laughed. He looked a bit confused.

“Sorry, I forgot that Eleanor ripped it off so I couldn’t go back with it later,” I said and pretended it was true. He seemed to believe me. I should really be an actor, I thought to myself.

“So I’ll guess we’re going to sleep now?” I asked him. I didn’t want to sleep at all, but I didn’t know anything else to do.

“We could do that, or we could just talk?” He said with a cheeky grin. Looked like it wasn’t for long the shy and sweet Harry was here.

“Sure,” I said and kind of made it a competition. If he was going to be cheeky I wouldn’t let him win.

“So, I kinda, um, need to get something of my chest,” Harry said and looked at me before continuing.

“About last night,” he said and suddenly started looking at his fingers. The memory of last night gave me some mixed feelings.

“Oh that… I was completely drunk, so I don’t remember much, but I’ve got to admit that I remember getting on top of you last night,” I said and tried hard to keep the flirty smile on my face, not my nervous smile.

“Yeah, I can’t say I was exactly sober either,” He said with a grin. We both smiled at each other.

“So no awkward feelings?” I said holding my hand out.

“None at all,” He said taking my hand while shaking it.

“And while we’re at awkward things, I’ve got a confession to make,” I said and smiled at his curious face.

“You know I said that Liam was my favorite?” I asked. He nodded.

“To be honest you were, I just waited for the right time to tell you,” I said and smiled.

“I knew it!” He said grinning at me. For a moment I just admired his incredible smile, and his adorable hair.

I suddenly got reminded of something and started to laugh.

“What?” he asked with big puppy eyes.

“I just can’t believe you made out with that huge girl. She was a beast!” I said while laughing. He tried to play mad, but gave in to the laughter building up inside of him.

“I don’t think you should say anything, ms. I-made-out-with-ten-girls,” he answered.

“Hey! It was six, and to my defense, they were better kissers than you’ll ever be,” I said before bursting into laughter because of his face expression.

“You have no idea of the power of my kiss…” he said while giving me his cheeky grin. I was about to admire his dimples, but then I reminded myself that I was the one in control.

“Yet,” I answered with a flirty tone.

Not how it was planned - A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now