18. Innocent flirting

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“Hey Monica? Can you get in here?” Harry shouted from the bathroom. I went in and found Harry standing in front of the mirror. Wow, he was really looking good. He only wore a white t-shirt and some regular pants, but he was just stunning were he stood.

“Yeah?” I said snapping out of my trance. He smiled beautifully at me and the only though that was going through my mind in that moment was dimples.

“I know this might be a bit early, but I figured that you might need this,” He said holding a key in front of my face. The irony in that was so funny in so many different levels. I pretended to be shocked.

“Really? You don’t think we’re moving to fast?” I asked playfully. He shook his head. Of course I needed the key so I could lock my self in here, but making it about our “relationship” made everything much more funny. “Thank you Harry, this means so much,” I squealed and hugged him really excited. We both laughed. He flipped his hair.

“So I look good?” he asked with a grin. I pretended to study him and then let him wait for my answer.

“You look fantastic mr. Styles, you’re going to get quite a few girls tonight,” I said and smiled. The thought of him making out with plenty of girls wasn’t exactly a happy thought, but I had no power of what he did and didn’t.

“No need for other girls. I’ve only got eyes for you,” He said while holding my chin up. I looked him deeply in the eyes for a second and imagined it to be true, but then reality came and slapped in my face. I instantly felt the urge to make the flirty mood in the room go away. I pulled away from him.

“So I look good to?” I asked and showed him my “outfit”, which was the same as I wore this morning. He bit he lip before nodding.

“You should definitively wear my clothes more often,” he said with a cheeky grin. For a moment he gave me worried look. “You know we worked to get you a new passport? Well, it will be sent here and it won’t take that long, but you’re welcome to stay here for as long as you want,” Harry said.

“Oh,” I said kind of surprised. The thought of going home had been so far away that I hadn’t even thought about the passport since the first day. But I guess a passport would be good. “I’m not going home yet,” I said and grinned at him. He smiled and gave me a hug.

“But now I got to get going, the guys are waiting outside for me,” he said and gave me a quick pat on the head which made me feel like a dog. I followed him out in the living room and watched him as he walked away. He turned around one last time looking straight at me.“And keep away from Liam,” He said strictly while pointing a finger at me.

“I’ll try,” I said putting my hands innocently up in the air. As the door shut I looked at Liam.

“Guess that leaves you and me,” I said with a huge grin. To be honest Liam was the one I felt closest to, he felt like my brother and I felt like I could talk to him about everything.

“What do you say about some popcorn and a movie?” Liam said and smiled widely.

“Yes, and I’m deciding the movie!” I said as we went into to kitchen to make popcorn.

Not how it was planned - A Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now