He Sees You Having a Bad Dream

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Niall's Pov

We were in bed sleep I was so tired from doing so much today. I had my princess sleeping curled up next me while I lazily wrapped my arms around her & slept. But into the wee hours of the night y/n was moving around a lot & mumbling in her sleep. It woke me and I glanced over to her to see what she was doing but she stopped. Then I went back to sleep. But then she does it again I woke up and looked back over to check on her & I see her sleeping and tears streaming down her face. I immediately woke her up

" Princess wake up " I said shaking her to take her up.

Your Pov

I was sleep curled into Niall's side. I was having a bad dream and all of the sudden I was shook by Niall of course, waking me up out the nightmare I was having .

I slowly opened my teary eyes to me his tired & worried red eyes

"baby you were having a nightmare" Niall said while wiping my wet cheeks. Then I remembered what I was dreaming about and I started sobbing into his chest & he wrapped me tight into his arms trying to calm me down.

" baby I'm right here, I'll always be right here for you, I love you" Niall said

" I'm so s-s-orry....I woke you u-up...." I said struggling to make a sentence but trying to calm myself at the same time because I know Niall is exhausted & he wants to sleep.

" I'm fine go back to sleep babe.." I said convincing him cause I know he's tired

"No , tell me about your dream I want to know....babe your not fine. I woke you up and see tears pouring down your face......it helps to talk about it so you can sleep. So tell me please what your dream was about ..." Niall asked

I gave in and told him

" All I remember was me and you sitting down..& you telling me you couldn't be with me anymore & I was so upset because you wouldn't tell me why & I kept pleading with you to tell me & you wouldn't & you walked way..." I said with more tears coming down my face that's when Niall pulled took his index finger to make me look into his ocean blue eyes which are kind of red right now from fighting back sleep so he can comfort me

" Baby I will never walk away from you, I love you with all my heart. Your my princess & I've waited for what seems like forever for you to come around & your finally here....I never want to mess this up ok. I love you and nothing or nobody can ever change that ok.....you got the keys to the kingdom girl open the door and explore gurl" he said lovingly & jokingly saying my favorite line from my favorite love movie to make me giggle. It instantly made me feel better .

Niall told me to lay down and get comfortable. He rubbed my back and hummed a bit of all of me by john ledge which is my favorite song to soothe me. I went back to sleep realizing how lucky I am to have such a caring and loving boyfriend. It was a wonderful feeling know that he loves me just as much as I love him & I can sleep peacefully on that note.

Niall Horan ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora