Love Runs Out Part 2

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The news was out about me and Y/n not being together anymore. I'm really am not liking the position I am in right now. A few days ago at the pub I had a lot of beers & the night was young & a few girls were there & I took a lot of drunken pics & now they are everywhere. This happened a week ago & I can't imagine how hard this is for Y/n. People have been sending it to her right and left with infact our break up has people talking & I just feel honestly horrible. I hate whenever someone says anything bad about Y/n. I still love her & no matter what nobody has a right to hurt her. I've been trying to reach out to her to check on her. It's been a lot of talk about her but she's not talking to me right now. I can't say that I blame her , I wouldn't pick up if it was me either. But right now I feel that if I try one more time I feel that she will answer....& I was right.


"Y/n it's me...Niall"




"I've been trying ta get ye hold of ya, I've been really worried about you"

"Why so worried?"

"I know I have no right to anymore but I can never erase two years of my life with you. I'm still very much in love with you even though we're not together & with all that's happening right now I just...still need to protect you & see what's going on right now with you......are you ok?"

"I'll never be ok with what you just said"

"I'm speaking from the heart Y/n... "

"I'm fine Niall" she said cutting me off

"Don't lie. You can't be fine because im not fine. I'm not happy. If one of us isn't happy nobody is happy....remember"

"That's not what you said the night of our 2 year anniversary. You didn't remember that. That night Niall your were unhappy, I was broken & even til this day I'm trying to fix myself & all of these pieces of my broken heart. & that's the major difference."

I strayed quiet because I have got to be the biggest dick in the world to just now in this moment realize I broke up with my girlfriend on the night of our anniversary. Wow

"Niall you have asked me to give you space & I have respected your wishes. & I just feel like how are you going to be in a place where you want to be if you keep back tracking...."

"Y/n,.........I wish I can tell you & I wish if words were enough but there not...."

" spite of everything from the break up to how I feel I do want you to know I truly hope you find your way. I know the industry your in doesn't really give you the room to love & dedicate yourself to me or for anyone els of that matter..I get it & I want you to know that I get it. You should know I want the best for you as I do for myself. & I hope one day soon you can not feel like your living your love life within a box..& my hope for myself is to feel better about love & not let what has happened to us poison me. I believe I can be healed from this situation & actually become a better woman. I don't see what happened to us....& quiet truthfully I still don't fully understand everything about what happened & I'm sure you don't either......were just confused right now......but I hope you find whatever you are looking for & I hope that you excel & thrive even more in your career....I still hope the best for you & I hope you can become the man that you want to be one day"

" ya speak as if I never loved you before....i just told you I can't erase 2 years of my life. Y/n you are so amazing in every way possible & I'm sure of that"

"Niall I get that but what I'm sure what your not positive about & you might not ever be positive about is being the man I need you to be while still keeping the career you have. I never gave you an ultimatum me or the career. Your problem is feel like you choose your career. You know you are more in love with your career than me. You know that. & honestly that's hurtful. & I feel sorry for you. This industry kills the life of having a honest relationship while you are giving your gift to the world. It sucks but it's the truth. What can we do."

"There is something we can do."

"What more do you want from me. I don't have nothing left to give"

"Forgiveness...give me that"


"If we can start there forgiving me that's what I want to know"

"Niall I can forgive you but if your asking me to be with you again that's a question not for me but for you. If you love someone you don't just push them to the side & neglect everything when the time isn't convenient for you. You don't treat nobody like that. I hope you understand that I need to hold you accountable, I care about begin happy , what matters to me that I have confidence & trust in the person I'm in love with won't leave my side. Someone loyal, someone who doesn't give up on me, who's going to be there for me through the good & bad. & if your not going to be that person who am I to force your hand.? What does it matter for me to love you unconditionally when I'm not enough for you. I'm not enough & I'm not the one to stand in your way."

"How can you say your not enough? You are more than enough for me. You are amazing & so beautiful. Even in this harshness you are beautiful to me because you don't let anything phase you. You have this confidence & you give me that & want me to be a better man. I want to be a better man for you. That's what I'm sure about. I know what it's like now to not have you. I don't want this anymore. I don't like being apart. you might think I'm crazy but ive never felt so incomplete without you...........yesterday at a photoshoot I found myself in the middle of it & I just wanted to scream I quit this life. I wanted to give it up just for you. That's why I kept trying, kept trying to get through to you.........Y/n I need you."


"We're always meant to be...I know that . Please tell me you needs too" that's when I heard her cries. I couldn't help but cry a bit myself because it was just so hurting to loose her & it's not guarantee that she would need me back. She doesn't need me but if she wants me & will take me back. Jesus is real.

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