Introduction (Rewritten)

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(Ali's POV)

My name is Ali Forester. I am an only child and my life sucks. But, you can't tell from the outside. On the outside I am perfect, have no flaws and everyone wants to be me. They only think that because they don't know what I am on the inside.

Inside I am broken. I can't be put back together. Sometimes I think, it would be so much easier to just die.

Some of you are probably thinking, "What is so awful about her life that makes her think that dying is better?" Well let me tell you.

I was not born in the hospital. I was born in an alley (Hints: The name) that my biological mother called home. Let's just say that this alley wasn't just an alley, at least not to my mother. I would love to say that when my mother got pregnant with me she stopped smoking and drinking, but sadly she didn't. Luckily I wasn't born with any disorders which in my opinion is a miracle.

When I was 3 my mom's "friend" Jorge, raped me and when he realized it was easier than selling drugs to a pott head, he didn't stop. It got to where there was a specific time for this to take place. I would wake up in the morning then I would get my bag, fill it with drugs, then go to "work". I would "work" all day and then just as the sun hit the horizon I would start my walk back to the alley. Once I got back to the ally I would take my earnings to my mother and while she was counting, Jorge would come and do whatever he pleased with me until my mom was done. If I didn't come home with 3,000 dollars everyday my mother would beat me, literally. She would hit me in the face and throw me by my hair and if I tried to get away she would spank me until her hand hurt and she couldn't anymore.

I was 6, when my mother thought it would be a good idea to have me selling. I didn't want to, not even a little bit, but when I expressed this to my mother I wound up with a black eye, busted lip and I couldn't walk for 3 weeks. So you can pretty much assume that I did what I was told whether I wanted to or not.

By the time I was 7 I knew how to "survive" on the streets. I knew all the back roads to use if I ever needed to get away from the police. But I knew I was never going to need the back roads because if the police started to come after me I was going to let them. Then I would tell them everything I've been through and I would tell them where the alley was and how to get there. I may have been only 7 but I was smart so you can just assume anything a 7 year old should not know, I knew.

I prayed that God would make me run into a police officer so many times and just when I was starting to give up, my lucky day finally came.

Ten years old and my life changed. One day I'm walking down the street and I bump into him, my savior. Everyday I wish I had gotten his name but sadly the only thing I knew about him was that he was a police officer and that he saved my life and just in nick of time too. The officer was not very happy that I had bumped into him. I was jumping up and down inside but he was just cleaning the fresh coffee off of himself. After he had taken in my appearance he asked me, "What are you doing out here all by yourself?" Now, I'm ten years old and at the time I didn't know I was breaking the law all I knew was that I was doing something I didn't like. So I told him the best I could, "I'm working for mom and dad." He hmmed and nodded. "Do you mind if I look in your bag?" Where someone would be saying, 'Who the hell do you think you are tryin' to look in my bag?!' Nope. Not me. I gave that thing to him quicker than you can say drug.

Luckily the day before I was late getting back to the alley, so my mother gave me a few bruises that I could show him, so I did. He asked a few more questions, which I gladly answered. After he asked me what my daily routine was and I told him, he had all the information he needed and he called in back up. When they got to me he left me with officer Romero and him and the other officers went to the alley while Officer Romero took me to the station. I sat in his office until the lady from child services showed up to figure out what my situation was and how to handle it. I also sat in his home. My case worker just happens to be a slack ass and I was with the Romero family for four years. The best four years of my life.

Sadly none of my mom's family wanted me and the people that might have were not informed that I was in foster care. I went into a foster home and I was living a healthy and happy life for about 3 days then my foster mom got a new boyfriend, Greg.

Greg was a nice man until three days after I met him. Then he just decided that he wanted to be a drunk and that he didn't like me. So I turned into his punching bag and when Gina, my foster mom, wouldn't give him some he would come to my room and it was like Jorge came to foster care with me.

Then my daily routine was, wake up to the sound of Gina shouting, "Get up you worthless piece of shit. You're going to be late." Sometimes I'd be blessed enough to wake up to the alarm instead. Then I got up and thanked God that I could get to my bathroom without having to leave my room. I did my bathroom business then I got dressed. By the time I was ready to leave it was about 7:30, school started at 8. I ran down the stairs and out the door to my car. I got in my car before Greg and Gina had the chance to come yell at me. Then I would head off to school.

At school, I parked by my boyfriend Alex, and made my way inside. I would go to my locker and meet my friends there along with Alex. Peck Alex on the lips, hug my friends and head to class. If in the rare case I hugged one of my friends before I kissed Alex he would yell at me but that didn't happen often. I didn't see my friends until lunch time where I would sit at their table and wait. I wouldn't eat because Alex thought that I was already too fat so he didn't let me. At the end of the day I would hurry to my car and hurry to Gina's house. If I got there late, Greg, along with Gina, would beat the shit out of me. I got through all of my high school years without anyone knowing anything about what my situation was. But I still have a couple days left so we'll see how much longer I can make it.

I live in fear. I don't trust anyone. My story stays a secret. I don't lose hope. Those are my rules and I have not and will not break them. Ever.

As I lay in bed listening to the arguments downstairs I think of just how great it is going to be to graduate. I've already started packing and I am out of here right after graduation. Seriously, I'm taking my boxes and suit cases to graduation.

Maybe college can be my new start. Away from Greg, Gina news about my mom and Jorge. College can be my escape.

With that as my last thought I close my eyes and let sleep take over.



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