Chapter 10

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(Shout out to @RebekahLee0 For being the first to vote on every chapter. (Not edited.)

(Grayson's POV)

Damn Alex! What the hell was he thinking?! I think as I walk out of the building to find this douche bag. As luck would have it he is still here and he is walking away from me to his car.

I run after him and turn him around. "What the hell?! I told you I was going to the police but I'm gonna help them out a little. Here's how it's gonna go, I'm gonna beat your ass. Then I'm going to take your beat ass and this fabulous movie you made guest staring Ali to the police. Sound good?" After I've said this I throw a punch to his jaw, knocking him to the ground.

"Shit! What the hell?!" He shouts trying to get up but failing because I jumped on top of him. I keep throwing punches at his face. Left, right, left, right.

"If you ever look at her again, I'm going to break your nose and black your eyes. If you ever talk to her again, I'm gonna break your jaw in 20 different places. And if you ever touch her again, in any way, I'm going to make you wish you where never born." I say still straddling him and throwing punches.

"Are we clear?" I ask. Pausing my punches to let him respond. He nods. Deciding to give him a break even though the only break I want to give him is a bone, I say, "Then get the fuck out of here and don't ever come back." I get off of him and shove him in his car. Then I walk back into the building and up to my dorm.

"Ali?" I call as I walk in. When I don't get a reply I walk into the bedroom to see if she is there. I see her sleeping in her bed with a tear streaked face.

I walk to her bed and squat down. I run my finger across her cheek and push her hair behind her ear. Then I get up and go to my bed.

(Next morning)

When I woke up Ali was still asleep so I went to the kitchen to make breakfast. I open the fridge and it's empty. Shit. We don't have food. But I have a wallet and a car so to McDonald's it is.

I go back to the bedroom to get dressed and make sure Ali is still asleep. When I see that she is I hurry into my closet and get dressed.

(Grayson's outfit)

Once I'm dressed I go to the bathroom to style my hair and brush my teeth

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Once I'm dressed I go to the bathroom to style my hair and brush my teeth. Then hoping and praying Ali stays asleep, I leave to go get breakfast.

On the drive there I listen to some music. I jam out. But like I said before I used to weird looks.

I go through the drive thru at McDonald's and get on my way.

I pull into the college parking lot and go inside. When I get to the door it's open. Curious I go inside. Now I know you are all thinking, curiosity killed the cat. Well to that I say, it's a damn good thing I'm not a cat.

When I walk into the living room no one is there so I check the kitchen, again no one. That means one of two things: No one is here I just didn't shut the door when I left or, they are in the bedroom with a sleeping Ali.

I rush into the bedroom and see Ali laying in bed and Alex looking at her with a evil smirk. Quietly I say, "Hello Alex. What can we do for you today? Did you want a broken nose to complement your black eyes? Or are you just stupid enough to think that maybe you could get away with something while I was gone?" He looks at me with fear in his eyes. As quick as its there it's gone.

"I came to get my girl. We have some unfinished business." He tells me I little louder then I'd like.

"Oh. So that must be code for, 'I didn't get what I wanted last night so I've decided to come back and try again even though I was advised not to.' Well, Alex, if you are that dumb be my guest but before you start, I must inform you, I have the police on speed dial and my fists to keep you busy until they get here." I say still trying to stay calm.

"So with that in mind, make your final choice. Probable jail time or a simple walk out of the room and don't come back. Your choice." When I've finished saying this I walk to sit on my bed.

He looks at Ali, smiles and walks out of the dorm. That was easy. Almost to easy. Hmm. I'm sure he just pulled his head out of his ass. With that as my last thought I walk into the living to watch tv.

About an hour later Ali walks out of the bedroom. She comes and sits down on the couch. "How did you sleep?" I ask her.

"I slept alright. But I did hear something that I wanted to ask you about." She says making me tense.

I hope she's not talking about hearing me and Alex. I'd hoped to not have to tell her about that. "Really? Well, what did you hear?" I ask.

She gets more comfortable on the couch and says, "I feel like I heard you and Alex talking." She pauses. "D..did I? You know hear that?" She finishes.

I think about it and look at her. "Yes. You did heat that. Alex broke in this morning while I was getting you breakfast but I got back here before he could do anything." I explain.

She nods. "Oh. Ok. Well...didn't you say you had breakfast?" She asks making me chuckle.

"Yeah." I stand up and offer her my hand. "I did get breakfast." She grabs my hand and we walk to the kitchen.

After a few minutes of eating breakfast in silence, I decided tobreak the silence. "Hey, so I thought we could go to the store later to get food and stuff for the kitchen and stuff for the bathroom. Because I found out the hard way that although this dorm is fully furnished it is not fully stocked." I chuckle.

"Uh yeah. We can go to the store later. That would be cool."

"Cool. Oh and I also have been thinking of a nickname for you. I know it was just going to be for when you are annoying me but I don't think your going to annoy me nearly as much as I will you. So I thought if it was ok with you I could make it a nickname?" I explain me thought process.

"Ok. What are you thinking?" She smiles.

"Well, I will say they aren't great but they are names that I thought would be funny if not as embarrassing as mine." She nods. "Bug?"

"Maybe. We'll come back to that one."

"Sugar plum?"




"Sweet cheeks?"

"Definitely not."

"Hmm. Sugar Britches?"

"I don't think so." She chuckles.



"I have a million we could do this all day." I tell her.

"Ok. Keep going."

"Baby Doll?"


"Doll Face?"


"Baby girl?"






Ok. This is not working. The only other ones I have are flirty. But then again is that such a bad thing? Should I go for the flirty names?

He is asking the readers if he should go flirty. If so comment #Flirt and if you have some ideas comment them. If he shouldn't comment #Perv and why he shouldn't.

Vote. Comment. Share.


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