Chapter 20

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( Grayson's POV)

"I haven't heard from her in 3 days!" I sob to Mrs. Romero.

I have been crying almost nonstop for 3 days. Ali has been gone for 4 days. I haven't eaten. I haven't slept. I haven't even come out of my room or Ali's bed. Her smell is starting to fade. I only just now let Mrs.Romero in.  She is comforting me the way only a mother can.

"Grayson, sweetie, she is going to be okay." She soothes.

"I failed her. I can't believe I didn't save her." I cry out. "She trusted me and I wasn't even there.  I'm so sorry. I'm sorry Ali." I sob wetting Mrs.Romero's shirt.

"Grayson," She puts her hands on my cheeks and makes me look at her. "You cannot blame yourself for this. You had no part in it. Even if you had been here he would have gotten her some other way. It is not your fault and there is nothing to could have done to prevent this. This is not my fault, say it."

"I can't. Because it is. It is my fault."

"No! Grayson, say it." She demands.

"This is not my fault." I sniffle. She pulls me back into her embrace.

"Grayson honey, will you please come eat and try to get some sleep?" She asks. I nod against her shoulder.

"Ok. Come on." She stands up and pulls me by my hand with her.

As we walk into the kitchen I see the family all sitting around the counter eating. Vivy walks up to me and wraps her arms tight around my waist. "Hey, V."

"Are you ok? I heard you crying." She asks pulling away with tears in her eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine. Maybe you can stay with me tonight. That way you can get a good night's sleep in a comfortable bed. Yeah?" I force a grin. She grins and nods.

I sit down next to Vivy as Mrs. Romero places a plate of food in front of me. "Thank you." I mumble.

I'm just about to take a bite when my phone rings. It's the police department. "Hello?" I answer, putting it on speaker phone.

"Hi. Is this Grayson Allen?"


"This is the LAPD. I'm calling to let you know we have found an address where we think Ms. Ali Forester might be. We are about to head there now and I thought that you might want to come." Before she has even finished what she is saying I'm grabbing my keys and running to my car with the whole Romero family following close behind.

"We are in the car now."

"Ok. The address is 2947 Andrew Jackson Road."

"Thanks. We'll meet you there." I hang up the phone and speed down the highway.

Not to long after that we are pulling into a long curved drive at the address of 2947 Andrew Jackson Road.

"You guys stay in the car and I'll come get you if we find her. You coming, Mr. Romero?" I ask considering he is a police officer and always has his gun on him. Then I climb out of the car and follow an officer in. With Mr. Romero right behind me.

We walk inside and walk through the house being as quiet as possible. We open the first door we see and don't find anything. Then we walk to the next door again we come up empty. We walk through the house opening every door we can until we only have one left. We hear shuffling as we get closer to the door. We slowly open the door and inside I see something that will haunt me for the rest of my life and then after that.

(Mrs. Romero's/ Mom's POV)

It has been 4 days since I've seen my baby girl. I have tried to keep calm and be strong for my family but like any normal person, I have my moments.

Grayson has isolated himself in his room and I can't help but feeling my heart break for him everytime I hear his cries. I don't think I have ever seen anyone so in love before. It is heartwarming to see how much he cares for my baby but also heartbreaking to have to find out under such awful circumstances.

I was finally able to get him to come out and eat and I'm hoping he'll sleep tonight but chances are not to hot.

I am broken out of my thoughts when his phone rings. He answers the phone and puts it on speaker. It must be the LAPD.

"This is the LAPD," Yep. "I'm calling to let you know that we have an address where we think Ms. Ali Forester might be-" As soon as she says this everyone at the counter stand up and rush out the door and to the car.

We get into he car and speed down the highway to find my baby.

As we pull into some house Grayson says, "You guys stay in the car and I'll come get you if we find her. You coming, Mr. Romero?" Grayson and my husband get out of the car and walk inside leaving me and three of my children in the car.

"Mom?" Lily asks. "Is Ali gonna be ok?" She finishes letting a few tears roll down her cheeks.

"Yes. Yes, she is going to be fine. I want you all to listen to me." I pause and look at my children. "You all know her story, and I think you all know who she is with right now so with your knowledge of the situation, I want you to all think about what condition you think Ali might be in when she walks out of that door." They all nod. "I think we can agree that she might be injured. She might be scared. She might be hurt, emotionally. But I need you all to give her space. I know it will be hard because she is your sister and you've missed her,but it is best for her that we give her as much space as she needs."I explain to them. They all nod again.

"Ok. Now that we have covered that, let's say our prayers." They all bow their heads and say their own special prayer and we sit and pray while we wait.

(Grayson's POV)

(A/N I'm not that mean. I'm not going to make you wait until the next chapter.)

When we walk into the last room I see Ali. She has her hands tied behind her back with a rope that looks to be hurting her. She has duck tape over her mouth and she is passed out with bruises covering every last inch of her body. She has blood covering all the bruises. I can count all of her ribs and she is so pail, I feel like I'm looking at a corpse. She looks so ill, it brought tears to my eyes immediately.

As if that wasn't bad enough, I saw Patricia (Ali's "mom") and Jorge sitting at a little table in the corner.

"Well, took you long enough. Didn't it?" Patricia said.

The police rush over to the table and cuff both her and Jorge. I rush to Ali's side while Mr. Romero goes outside to get the paramedics.

The paramedics rush in and put Ali on a stretcher then they rush her back out into the ambulance with me following behind them. I jump in the ambulance tossing Mr. Romero my keys telling him to follow us. Then the doors close and we are rushed to the hospital.


When we got to the hospital, the paramedics took Ali to a room but I wasn't able to follow. That was about 2 hours ago. Since then I have been sitting in the lobby with the family.

"Family of Ali Forester?" A doctor calls. We all stand up and walk over to him. "Hello. I have some great news for you guys and I have some even greater news for you guys. Which do you want firsts?"

We all chuckle. Mrs.Romero answers him, "We want the great news than we know it can only get better." We chuckle again.

"Ok. The great news is, Ali is going to be completely fine. She has no broken bones, no eternal bleeding and she is only suffering from emotional pain and bruises with a very slight amount of cuts." We all sigh and smile. He smiles and continues. "The greater news is, Ali, can go home probably sometime tomorrow. We want to keep her over night just to make positive that she is not harmed to horribly." He finishes with a huge smile. Then he walks back into the back of the hospital.

"You guys can go see her now." The receptionist calls to us. "She is in room 357." We smile and make our way to Ali's room.



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