Chapter 7

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(A/N The song above is this books inspiration. It will probably be placed all around the book and maybe even incorporated into the story.)

(Ali's POV)

At lunch we caught up and we basically just talked about school and work. But all good things must come to an end. After about 2 hours we had to leave. And I was forced to tell them I didn't have anywhere to go.

"Alright. Well, it was great to see you honey but we have to get going." Mom said.

I gasp. "Ok." I try to cover it up. "Well, I should probably get going to. I uh I have to uhm..." Dammit I can't think of anything.

"Ali honey? Where are you going to sleep tonight?" Dad asks.

Shit. What am I going to tell him? I can't exactly lie. He's my father he'll know right away. But I can't tell him I was going to sleep in my car all summer either so, I have to lie and hope that he buys it. Right?

"Um..I was going to my friends house. She um has a pool and like an extra room and her house is very big and accommodating. The room actually has a really cool bed with draws under it and a flat screen TV. She said I could stay as long as I needed to because her um her d-dog.. yeah her dog has a doctors appointment in Colorado and she was going to be gone for a while so......" I trail off realizing that nothing I said makes any sense and with all my rambling I probably just gave it away that everything I was saying was a lie.

"Kids, wait in the car." Dad says to Vivy, Jose and Lily. Shit he didn't buy it.

"Ali. Where are you really staying tonight?" He asks. Mom gives him a confused look. Alright take two.

"I'm really staying at my friends house. She said it was fine because she'd be in Colorado with her cat and her mom has cancer so she wanted someone to stay with her mom anyway cause her dad died because of his diabetes and she didn't want to leave her mom by herself." Shit. I said the wrong animal. Dammit. I am a horrible liar.

He sighs. "Ali, would you like to come back home for the summer? We can pray for the dead dad and the dying mom and cat. Or was it a dog? Because the first time you rambled it was a dog?" He says ratting me out to mom.

I look him in the eyes and think. I don't have anywhere to stay and it would be nice to be back home for the summer. That would also give me time to get Vivy to forgive me.

"Ok. I'll come home because I don't have anywhere to stay. But we don't have to pray for the dead or the dying because nobody I know has a horse dying because of diabetes." I give in and start walking to the car leaving mom and dad laughing, although I have no clue why they're laughing.


When we got home I was kind of nervous. I was nervous because I was about to come back to my childhood home. Maybe it would be different and maybe I would like it to much. But my worries were put to rest the second I was pulled through the door by Lily.

I was home and it was exactly the same.

"Alright. Ali your room is in the same condition you left it in except clean sheets. Me and your mother are going to bed." Dad explains kissing my forehead.

Mom does the same then follows dad upstairs.

"Do you want to watch tv in the living room?" Lily asks.

"Yeah sure. Just let me go get my suit case so I can get changed." I tell her then I walk outside and to my car. As I'm walking back in my phone rings. Without looking at the caller ID I answer. "Hello?"
"You bitch! You didn't even tell us that your graduation was today. And where the hell are you?! Come home now!" Greg shouts.

"I am home and I will not come back to the hell hole that you call a house. I hope to never see you again." I hang up on him and walk back into the house.

Once I get inside I run up to my room fighting back the tears that are threatening to spill from my eyes.

When I get to my room I get changed into some pajamas and I go back down to the living room.

"Hey Bug. Come here." Jose says from the couch. I walk over to him and we cuddled up together on the couch. "Vivy wanted to watch Beauty and the Beast. So that's what we are watching."

"Ok." Just as I was getting comfortable my phone started ringing. I get up from the couch and go to the kitchen to answer my phone.

(Phone call)


Hi. This is Grayson. The kid from school.

Oh. Hi. What uh...How did you get my number?

Oh. Uh. You and a friend of mine have a mutual friend and she gave him your number then my friend gave it to me.

Oh. Ok. So, what can I do for you?

Oh. I heard that someone give an epic speech at graduation and I was wondering if maybe you could tell me what happened?

Oh. Uh. Well, actually, I wasn't aware that there was an epic speech. I mean I read my paper that I wrote for a final grade but I am also valedictorian so my paper was kind of my speech so no one really gave a speech other than me and it wasn't that great.

Oh. Well, read me your paper than. That must have been the epic speech I heard about.

You want me to read my paper to you now?


I don't know if I'm comfortable with that actually.

Ok. Well, I feel bad that I just called you for gossip so tell me about college. Are you going? If so, where?

Ok. Well, yes I'm going and I am going to UCLA. Are you going to college?

You're probably not going to believe me but I am going to UCLA as well. So maybe we'll bump into each other.

Yeah. Maybe. Anyway, um, I should probably go. It's late.

Yeah. Ok. Goodnight.


(End of call)

After that awkward phone call I go back into the living room and curl up on the love seat with Lily. Jose was upset but Lily was over the moon.

I don't know at which point I got tired but before I knew it everyone was asleep and I was on my way to darkness.

With my last thought being of Grayson and how odd it was for him to call me, I fall asleep with Lily on the love seat.

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