Chapter 2

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(Ali's POV)

I am just leaving English Language Arts. My last class of the day. Last week, Mrs. Carpenter said we would have a huge assignment today. She said she was giving us a warning so that we could prepare ourselves, but I don't think any amount of time would prepare me for the upcoming assignment. Here's how it went down.

"Ok class. Today I said you were going to have a huge assignment and I stay true to my word. Your assignment is to write an autobiography about your life. Maybe your life has had a bumpy road to get you to where you are. So write about your bumpy road. Now I'll give extra credit to anyone who can make me cry. Weather its happy tears or sad tears I want tears. And you all know that I do  not cry very easily. So goodluck to all and it is due by graduation. Oh and one more thing, if it makes me cry and it is good enough I will read it a graduation. I won't say any names to avoid any embarrassment but it will be read. For the rest of class I want you to think about your paper. It must be longer than 1,000 words and if you can beat 2,000, extra credit." After she has given her speech she sits down at her desk.

So you see, I can make her cry and my paper will be read at graduation but I'm not sure it's a good thing. You probably didn't think I would want to do this paper but I do. It's time for someone to hear that my life is real and it doesn't just happen in movies.

So here I find myself sitting in the park with my notebook, thinking about my past. Thinking about how I'm actually about to do this. And I don't know where to start, but I have a feeling that this paper is going to change my life forever.

Remembering I'm on curfew I look at the clock. It is 5:00. I'm gonna be late. I jump up on my feet and run to my car. I start my car and drive home. When I get there all the lights are off. That could mean one of two things. One, Greg and Gina are gone. Two, Greg and Gina are on bed. Either way I have high hopes that I won't get beat tonight.

I sneak in the house and up the stairs to my room. Locking the door behind me and sighing. Tonight is a good night.

I decide to start working on my paper to see how much of it I can get done tonight.


(Grayson Allen's POV)


School. Sucks. And I can't wait to get to college. And can I just ask, when did high school become this place where no one is safe and parents shouldn't send their kids? I mean seriously school is a dangerous place I saw some girl getting beat up by her boyfriend and my first thought is, WHAT THE HELL?! Boyfriends are supposed to love their girlfriends and make them feel safe. Although I don't know what I'm talking about, or so some would say, I'm just a player and I womanizer. Well, I got news for you, fuck off!

Anyhoozer. I didn't ever get to tell the girl my name but thanks to dickhead I learned that her name is Ali. And also, kind of thanks to dickhead I got to take her to lunch and to all of her classes. 

Anyway, I should probably tell you a little bit about myself.

My name as you know is Grayson Allen. I have twin brother and sister, a twin brother that I don't really talk to anymore and a dead sister. Big family if they were all still here. Now its only me and the twins, Macy and Mason. But we get to eat more food at holidays because mom is so used to cooking for 7 people that it is kind of hard to start cooking for five especially because my whole family eats like a pack of wolves. Its scary. 

I am super excited for college and the future because I feel like it could be a new start for me. I can be the nice and happy person I am at home. I don't have to be a douche bag all the time. I can find love hopefully without getting hurt again. Oh you don't know what I'm talking about when I say, "hurt again." 

Well, remember when I said I had a brother that I don't really talk to anymore? Well, there is a reason for that. He slept with my girlfriend of 4 years and when I expressed my hurt to him, he didn't even care. I might as well have told him my name. It was a normal thing for him  to hear and that is what worried me. I started thinking, "How many of my girlfriends has he slept with?" And I don't know if it is sadly or luckily but either way I never got the chance to ask him.

Moving on. I came out to my parents two years ago.....Ha! Gotcha. I am straight as a board. 

My hobbies are reading and sleeping with the occasional break for food which is my most favorite thing in the world. Eating is my strong suit and when I go to college I am going to major in food eating.

But on a much heavier note, I have school tomorrow and I must make sure I look and smell to perfection so that when I see Ali she doesn't run screaming. Which is another thing.

Why was she so scared of me? Did I remind her of someone? Is it because I'm a man? Because if it is, sexist! No. I'm kidding. But seriously, what did I do? 

I don't think I did anything but if I did I cant try to figure it out if I cant get close to her and I cant get close to her if I stink an right now I stink. Shower time!


What is the one thing you do that drives the rest of your family crazy? Mine? Singing in the shower. And let me tell you, Mom, Dad and Macy and Mason go nuts and not because they like it. The complete opposite actually. I don't see the harm in singing Thriller at the top of my lungs in  the shower that is upstairs and all the way at the end of the hall. Whatever. Their loss. I'm a fucking amazing singer. Shoot. I should go on the Voice. Hell yeah! Alicia baby, I'm coming! 

Ok. I'm done. Sorry. Moving on to a more important topic, what I'm I going to wear to school tomorrow? How about...My birthday suit!!! Ali would love that. 


"Coming!" I shout back.

Once I get downstairs I go into the kitchen. "What is it my great and glorious mom?" I ask bowing. 

"What did you learn at school today?" she smiles sweetly.

"A whole bunch of nothing. I have to write an autobiography about my life. But other than that, school was useless today." Just as I finish I remember something. "Oh and, I saved someone's life."

"Really! That cool! How did you save his life?" She beams at me.

"Actually, she was getting beat up by her dickhead boyfriend and I stopped him." I say happily. 

"Well, did you tell someone about her situation?" Mom asks.

"No. But I think she is planning to when she writes her autobiography. If she doesn't I am going to say something, but I'm going to give her a chance first." I explain.

"Ok. Well, goodluck. Its late you should go to bed. I love you." she kissed my head and sent me to my room.

"Love you."

I walk up to my bedroom and lay down. Letting my last thought be of Ali, I let darkness take over putting me in a peaceful sleep.

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