Chapter two

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"Okay, take everything but the delicious deals guys! My mom love 'em." Eddie said as we took food from his cabinets. He leaned against the counter. "Hey! First you said the barrens, now you're saying the sewer! I mean- what if we get caught?" He lowered his voice.

"We won't, Ed's!" Billy said, grabbing stuff from the cabinet and shoving it into his backpack. Richie moved to a cabinet behind Eddie.

"The sewers are p-p-public works," I continued for him. "We are the public, right?" I shrugged.

"Hey Eddie! These your birth control pills?" Richie opened the cabinet to reveal a LOAD of pills.

"Yeah and I'm saving it for your sister!" Eddie shifted out of his position to reach over and close the cabinet. "This is private stu-"

"Don't you mean Bill's sister?" He Laughed, staring at bill and jokingly grab the crotch of his pants. I slapped his arm. "Ow!" He looked at me. Billy and Eddie laughed.

We walked out of the kitchen and towards the front door, being stopped by a voice. "Eddie-bear! Where kids of to in such a rush?"

"J-j-just m-my back yard Mrs. K." I choked on my words. She was absolutely terrifying in most circumstances.

"Y-Yeah. We got a new..." Billy stammered, trying to find the right words.

"Croquet set! Jeez! Spit it out b-b-bill!" Richie mockingly stuttered, slapping Bill's arm.

"Okay!" She stopped polishing her nails. "Oh and- sweetie! Don't go rollin around in the grass. Especially if it's just been cut! You know how bad your allergies can get..." her eyes seemed to bore through me.

"Yes mom. Let's go..." he whispered, trying to get us out the door.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" She said. Eddie rolled his eyes, hesitating to walk over. He kissed her on the cheek. Richie tried stifling a laugh. Me and Bill smacked his arms, he muttered 'ow' once more. I was on Richie's left and Bill was on his right.

Eddie started coming back towards us. "Don't you want one from me too, Mrs. K?" Richie said jokingly as Eddie shoved him out the door.

"Sorry mommy!" He slammed the door behind him.

"Thanks for saving our asses!" I rolled my eyes at Richie.

"You are most certainly welcome, my fair maiden!" He winked, doing the British guy. I rolled my eyes again, laughing at his stupid accent.

Our bikes zoomed down the road, Stanley came riding around a corner and join our group.

"HI-HO SILVER!!!" Bill stood up on his bike, I followed his example.

"AWAY!!!" I shouted, our bikes zoomed past the library.

"Slow down!!!" Richie yelled after us. "Your old lady bikes are too fast for us!!"

We continued on till we reached the place we were looking for. Riding our bikes down a trail through the forest.

We reached the entrance to the sewer. "That's poison ivy... that's poison ivy... and, THATS poison ivy!" Stanley said, pointing to several different bushes.

"Where?!" Me and Eddie said in unison.

"Nowhere!" Richie turned back to face us. "Not every fucking plant is poison ivy, Stanley!"

We all moved to stand at the entrance of the sewers. Richie and Bill went inside. "Okay well, I'm starting to get itchy now, and, I'm pretty sure this is not good for my-" eddies voice echoed through the sewer, being interrupted by Richie.

"Do you use the same bathroom as your mother?"

"Sometimes, Yeah." Eddie replied.

"Then, you probably have crabs!" Richie and Bill went farther back.

"Oh! So not funny!" Eddie scoffed.

Bill shined his flashlight around the walls of the damp sewer, dripping noises echoed. "You guys coming in?" Richie asked, looking at me, Eddie, and Stan.

"Hell no!" I shot at him.

"Uh-uh! That's greywater!" Eddie pointed at the water that they were walking in.

"What the hell is greywater?!" Richie questioned.

"It's basically- piss and shit so I'm just telling you!" Eddie raised his hands in defense. "You guys are... splashing around in millions of gallons of Derry pee!"

"Shut up!" I muttered, smacking his arm. Richie raised some kind of farm tool to his nose, smelling it.

"Are-are you serious?! What are you-"

"Doesn't smell like Caca to me señor!" He said in a Spanish accent.

"Okay, I can smell that from here!" Eddie said to him.

"Probably just your breath wafting back into your face!" Richie put a hand near his face to represent what he was saying.

"Uh!" Eddie sharply inhaled. "Have you ever heard of a staph infection?!"

"Oh I'll show you a staff infection!" Richie held the staff thing towards Eddie.

Eddie started rambling on as Richie picked up something with the hook on the end, tossing it at Eddie.

Eddie let out a shriek at is hit some vines that blocked it from hitting him. I stifled a laugh, earning a glare from Eddie.

I looked at bill. He picked up a shoe out of the water, shinning his flashlight on it. "Guys!" He said, grabbing all our attention.

"Shit!" Stanley's voice cracked. "Don't tell me that's-"

"No." I could feel tears collecting in my eyes. I wiped my cheek as a tear slid down. "Georgie wore galoshes. It's-"

"-Betty Ripsom." Bill gave me a look of sorrow.

Stan grabbed my shoulder and pulled my body into his for comfort. Eddie wrapped his arms around my waist for a hug.

"I don't like this!" Eddie said.

"How do you think Betty feels?! Running around these tunnels with only one freaking shoe?!" Richie hopped up on one foot. I felt another thing inside me break.

I wiped more tears off my cheeks, shoving Stanley off me and walking over to sit by the waters edge. I stared at my reflection in the water.

"What if she's still here?" Stan's voice echoed. I could still hear them. They all went silent when he said that.

I could hear water shuffling in the tunnel. "Eddie come on!" Richies voice cut through the air.

"My mom will have an aneurysm if she finds out That we're playing Down here! I'm serious!" Eddie retorted.

I stood up and marched back over to them. "Screw that! Screw your mom! If I was Betty, I would want us to find me!" My voice poured out with frustration.

"Georgie too..." Billy added.

"Yeah, a-and Georgie." I looked down.

We all stood in silence. "What if I don't wanna find them?" Eddie spoke up. "I mean, no offense Bill, Brook. But I don't wanna end up like G-" He instantly stopped himself, glancing. Between me and Bill. "I don't wanna go missing Either."

"He has a point." Stanley said. I looked at him.

"You too?!" I gave him a shocked look of betrayal.

"It's summer! We're supposed to be having fun!" His voice cracked. "This Isn't fun. This is scary and disgusting!"

Suddenly, a noise behind us made us all snap around. Bill and Richie came out of the tunnel. "Holy shit! What happened to you?!" Richie said, ducking under the dead vines.

It was a kid, a little chubby. He turned to face us. His shirt was bloody around the side of his gut and blood was dripping from his nose and the side of his head.

Stan smacked his arm before him and Eddie ran around the path of rocks to go get the kid.

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