Chapter three

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We got on our bikes. I had the kid on the back of my bike, he wrapped his arms around my waist. As we rode away, we heard screams that sounded all too like the one and only, Patrick hockstetter. They were very faint.

I quickly looked over my shoulder but went back to riding forward and staying with the group.

Eddie started rambling as always. "I mean, it's great that we're helping this kid but we need to think of our own safety! He's bleeding all over and you guys know there an aids epidemic happening right now as we speak! Right?!"

We rode out of the forest and onto the road, Eddie continuing to ramble. "My moms friend in New York City got it just by touching a dirty pole on the subway! And a drop of AIDS blood got into him through a hangnail. A hangnail!!" He shouted out.

We neared an alley, turning the corner. "A-and you can amputate legs and arms. But-but how do you amputate a waist?!" He shouted as we hopped off our bikes.

"Eddie I swear to god if you don't shut the hell up- IM gonna amputate your mouth!" I snapped. I was getting frustrated.

He jumped back and squealed in shock. Billy and Richie laughed. "Ah... we're screwed. Brook! Stay here and watch Richie and this kid!" Bill said as he, Stanley, and Eddie ran off to go inside the pharmacy.

"Watch me?!" Richie shouted at them, but they were already gone.

"I would say... you and me..." he waved a finger in between us, coming close to closing the space between our bodies. He wiggled his eye brows, His voice quiet. I knew exactly what he was intending. "But there's a kid here..." A slight pink crept into my cheeks, I smirked back at him.

"Shut up!" I pushed his chest, laughing.

"Glad I got meet you before you died!" Richie looked at the kid.

"Sorry about him!" I pointed to Richie. "He's an idiot!" I rolled my eyes, chuckling.

"Your idiot!" He corrected me.

"You wish!" I rolled my eyes at him. I sat down on the ground next to the crate the kid was sitting on.


"Brook Denbrough! I know! You're in my social studies and my math class! I'm ben!"

"So! He speaks!" Richie knelt beside me.

"Stop." I said quietly.

"What- what happened to you?" I looked at ben.

"Yeah! It looks like death took a shit on you!" Richie said, adjusting his glasses. I shoved the side of his head.

"Will you stop?! Rude." I glared at him. "Sorry! He's a dumbass! But he's kind of right!"

"Henry bowers." Ben looked at his feet.

"Oh that douche bag?!" Richie scoffed.

"He's been trying to get with me f-for years! Saying he'll save me f-for when I'm eighteen. He's been wanting to l-l-lay me since I started g-g-going to the same s-school as him." I stuttered, playing with my thumbs in my hands.

"Oh I'm gonna beat that son of a bitch into the ground!" Richie said through his gritted teeth, starting to stand up. I grabbed his wrist.

"No! Richie! No." I pulled his arm down, making him land flat on his butt. He crossed his arms over his chest.

"I still wanna beat his ass!" He gritted his teeth. His look was stern and you could definitely tell he wanted to kill, you could see it in his eyes from a mile away.

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