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Autumn of 1988

I laid flat on my stomach, stomping noises out in the hall forcing me to look up from my book. I scooted off the bed, walking over and poking my head out of the door to see Georgie running towards Bill's room in his green galoshes.

"What are you doing..." I said under my breath. He went into Bill's room. I tiptoed to his door, peeking through the crack that Georgie had left.

He had taken Dad's golf wax, and Bill was doing something with it at his desk with Georgie peeking over his shoulder. I couldn't see what it was though.

"Alright... there you go." He turned to Georgie, handing him a paper boat. "She's all ready captain!" He smiled to Georgie.

"She?" Georgie looked at the boat in his hands then looked up to see Bill.

"You always call B-b-boats she!" I said smiling, both of them turned to face me in the doorway. Georgie looked at the boat in his hands one more time. "She." He smiled to himself. "Thanks Billy!" He hugged him.

"Whatcha up to?" I stepped into my twin brother's room, dimly lit by only the lamp on his desk and the darkened sky outside his window.

"G-Georgie is gonna take his boat outside in the storm! You can tag along with him if you want! I can't go I-I'm still sick." Billy's stutter matched with mine.

"Alright! Guess I'm hanging out with Georgie today!" I smiled, ruffling the six year olds hair. "I'm just gonna get my rain coat and boots be right b-back!" I ran out the room, across the hall to my OWN room.

I dug through my closet, getting out my yellow rain coat and my pink galoshes, slipping them on and running downstairs to meet Georgie by the front door. "Let's go, bud!" I spoke low, smiling down at him. Mom could be heard playing the piano all through the house, which when mixed with the rain pelting on the windows, created the ultimate peaceful setting.

We skipped down the driveway, looking up to wave at Billy, who was in his window, then started down the street.

Georgie set the boat in the little stream along the curb that lead to the sewers. Running to follow behind it. He giggled and laughed as he chased it and I chased him. He jumped in the water then up onto the curb, jumping back into the water in the street continuously.

I looked up, seeing the wooden sawhorses that read DERRY DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS. Painted orange and easily noticeable. Georgie noticed it too, as he ducked under the first one, following the boat that also ran underneath it.

He was slowly standing up just to face the second one as his head pounded into it, knocking onto the ground. "Georgie!" Oh my gosh, are you okay!" I knelt beside him, helping him stand.

"Follow her!" He pointed at his boat, which had gotten ahead of us on account that we had fallen behind. (Georgie quiet litterally)

He started running, his boots continuing to splash hard in the street water. The boat got caught on a rock.

"No!" He screamed. The water pushed the boat around the rock as Into the sewer. "No!" He knelt down beside the sewer, peering in.

"Bills gonna kill me!" He squeaked, continuing to peer inside the sewer, the sound of rushing water filled the background. I stood beside him. I looked up at the window of the house next to the house in front of us. There was a girl with shoulder length hair looking back at me.

"C'mon Georgie! I'll make you another one at home!" I smiled down at him, but he didn't look up from the sewer.

Suddenly, a pair of eyes appeared from the darkness, making Georgie jump back. I fell backwards into my butt. The eyes were orange, changing to a sky blue as the figure came forward, revealing what looked like a clown. "Hiya Georgie!" The thing-person had plump red lips and a white face, that was about all we could see since the shadows covered the rest of it like a blanket.

"What a nice boat!" It whispered, holding Georgie's boat into our vision. "Do you want it back?"

"Ummm..." Georgie's voice was shaky, you could hear the fear. "Yes, please."

"Georgie!" I whisper shouted, trying to get his attention, but he was too engrossed in getting his boat back.

"You look like some nice kids!" It's voice was soft, and rather soothing. "I bet you guys have a lot of friends!"

"I have three... but our brother is our BEST best." Georgie's voice was still shaky, but not as much as before. It was creepy to find someone in the sewer, talking to you like they weren't standing in shit water.

"Where is he?" The clown asked curiously.

"In bed-"

"Sick." I finished Georgie's sentence for him. You could kind of see that the clown had red lines, from the corners of its mouth leading up to its forehead, going through its eyes.

"I bet I could cheer him up! Give him a balloon- you want a balloon too, Georgie? Brook?"

"How did you know my name..." I whispered under my breath so only I could hear.

"We aren't supposed to take stuff from strangers!" Georgie spoke.

"Well. I'm Pennywise the dancing clown!" It twitched so that jingles could be heard. It laughed a single laugh. "Yes, Pennywise! Meet Georgie, brook." He gestured his hands towards us, Georgie giggled a little. "Georgie, brook, meet Pennywise! See, now we aren't strangers! Are we?"

"What are you doing in the sewer?" I looked directly into the clowns eyes as I spoke.

"Well the storm blew me away! Blew the whole circus away! Can you smell the circus?" One if it's eyes was looking at Georgie, the other looked at me.

"There's peanuts, cotton candy, hot dogs, and..."

"Popcorn?" Me and Georgie said at the same time.

"Popcorn! Is that your favorite?"

"Uh-huh!" Georgie smiled at the clown.

"Mine too! Hahaha!!" Pennywise laughed almost maniacally. "Because they pop! Pop! Pop! Pop!" He continued laughing.

"Pop! Pop! Pop!" Georgie giggled along with him. Pennywise's expression suddenly became stern, and serious, making Georgie feel uncomfortable. I could feel it.

"Uh... I should get going now..." Georgie looked to his left a little, his little voice became shaky once more. My butt was wet I just wanted to go home. "C'mon Georgie!" I tried holding my hand out, expecting Georgie to grab it.

Georgie reached out for my hand, Pennywise swallowed, looking for the words. "Uh- without your boat?"

Georgie turned back to the sewer before I could get a grasp of his tiny hand. "You don't wanna lose it Georgie... Bill's gonna kill you..." the corners of his mouth curled up just the slightest. He held the boat into our sight once again.

"Here..." it whispered. "Take it!" Georgie reached down.

"Georgie! That's not a very- good... idea..." I tried grabbing him as I stood to my feet. His little hand was reaching down into the sewer, Pennywise suddenly grabbed it. "Georgie!" I yelled.

It tilted its head back, it teeth extending out of its mouth and digging into Georgie's arm. "Georgie!!" I screamed this time. Georgie fell back, Pennywise retreated into the sewer with the other half of his arm. Georgie cried out, choking on trauma. his blood mixing with the street water.

An arm started extended out of the sewer, grabbing his ankle and yanking him down into the sewer before I could grab him. I fell back, in terror.

I picked myself up and ran home as fast as I could.

I slammed the front door, leaning against it. Out of breath and tears streaming down my face.

"Brook! W-w-where's Georgie?!" Bill came up to me. I didn't say anything, I just forced my body into a hug With my twin. He was all I need right now.

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