Chapter eight

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I rode onto the dead lawn, jumping off my bike and letting it fall to the ground. I marched up the path and up the front steps being stopped by them yelling at me.

"Brook! We can't go here! This is crazy!" Beverly was the first to follow me with everyone else behind her.

"Try stopping me! Okay?! Because what happens when another Georgie goes missing?! Or another Betty! Or one of us!?!!! Are you just gonna pretend that none of this is happening like everyone else in this town!?!!" I yelled. I was jabbing my finger in the air them. "I had to watch my best friend be dragged into a sewer!!" I screamed, immediately slapping my hand over my mouth.

"W-wh-what?" Billy whispered. I turned my head so I couldn't face any of them.

"Because... I cant. I go home, and all I see is that my best friend isn't there. I see hit clothes, and his toys, and his stupid stuffed animals!" My voice cracked as I was on the verge of tears. "-but he isn't. So walking into this house- for me, is easier than walking into my own!"

I turned around, quickly wiping a tear on my sleeve and taking more steps towards the front door. Bill wrapped an arm around my waist and swung my body around so that I was back on the porch steps.

"I'm going in! You s-stay here!" His jabbed his finger at the ground. Richie moved closer to me, hugging me tight. He mumbled in my ear. "You didn't stutter once." We squeezed each other tight, knowing this could Damn well be the last time we saw each other.

"Wait!" Stanley shouted. Richie and I pulled out of the hug to face him, everyone else looked at him. "S-shouldn't we have some people keep watch? You know- just in case something bad-bad happens?" He nervously looked at everyone.

"W-wh-who w-wants to stay out here?" Billy stuttered, his hand hung on the door knob. Everyone raised their hand except for me and Bev. Everybody was turning their heads to look around.

"Fuck." Richie sighed. He adjusted his glasses on his nose and turned to face Billy. Nobody WANTED to go inside, but they were doing it for Bill and I.

Richie quickly hugged me one last time before going up the steps with Eddie and going inside where Bill already was.

"Can't believe I pulled the short straw!" I heard his say from inside. "You guys are lucky you're not measuring dicks."

Their footsteps creaked on the wooden tiles that were slowly rotting. I jerked my body down and sat on the porch step. The house seemed to let out a sigh. I rubbed my temples. This was crazy!

I suddenly heard Richie screaming from inside. I jumped up and twisted my body around, ready to bolt inside. Beverly grabbed my wrist and held me back.

"Let me go!" I jerked my wrist out of her grip, flying backwards and landing flat on my back on the rotting porch. "Stay away from me!" I pushed myself to stand. I dusted myself off. Richie had stopping screaming. I felt a piece of my heart break off. Not Richie too... Beverly grabbed my arm and pulled me off the porch and onto the dead yard.

I slapped her arm off me before dusting myself off again. She hesitated before speaking again, "why do you HATE me so much!"

"I don't hate you! I just can't trust you!" I looked her up and down.

"And WHY is that?!" She threw her hands up. "You've never talked to me before!"

"Because, Beverly marsh." I spat her name out with sour taste. "There are rumors about you flying around, and I'm not saying I believe them, I'm just not taking chances and letting my brother get hurt!" Everyone stood in awkward silence. I marched up the path, and into the house.

"Sweet fuck..." I whispered, looking around. The house had garbage everywhere and it felt like it was about to cave in.

"Richie? Bill? Eds?!" I cupped my hands around my mouth. Richie suddenly peeked his head from around the stairs. "Richie!" I ran towards him, forcing my body into his. We wrapped our arms around each other. "You-you were s-s-screaming and And-" he pulled out of the hug to cup me cheeks. A sudden moaning came from upstairs.

"Hello? Hello...?"

There was scratching against the floorboards. "Betty..." I whispered. I ran up to stairs to find Billy and Eddie creeping towards a second set of stairs. Bill turned around and met my gaze.

"What the fuck I thought I told you to stay outside?!" He whisper shouted, grabbing my shoulders.

"I'm not g-going, Bill." I deadpanned. I shook my head. "I'm done w-with being left out just b-because in the weak little girl of the group! Or because I'm your s-sister, so apparently I'm a prized possession. I-I-i will never become immune to pain if I don't know what it's like!" I kept my voice low.

"...fine. But stay close." He turned around and we all crept up the next set of stairs. We heard the scratching again. I turned around and headed towards the hallway behind us.

There was an open door, and we could see Betty on the floor, scratching and wheezing. The other boys came up behind up.

"B-Betty?" Billy spoke quietly. She was suddenly yanked out of our view. We all let out gasps of surprise.

"Betty?!" I raised my voice a little. "Bets?!"

We all moved forward, creeping towards the door.

"Eddie..." a very hoarse voice spoke out. Me and Eddie both turned around to look. "what are you looking for...." he crept towards the other hall.

"Eds!" I whisper shouted. I stayed close to Bill and Richie. They were both holding one of my hands each so that I couldn't get out of their sight. "Eds!" I whisper shouted again.

"G-g-guys can you hear that?" His voice was super quiet and shaky. Bill and Richie stepped into the room, dragging me along with them. They must not have heard him.

"She was just here! Where the fuck did she go?!" Richie dropping his grip on my wrist.

"Guys! Guys!!!" Eddie was in the hall, running towards the door, which suddenly slammed shut.

"Eddie!!" I screamed. I pressed my ear to the door as Billy banged on it and tried opening it, twisting the doorknob like a maniac.

"Ahh!!!! What the fuck!!!" He screamed from the other side of the door. There was suddenly a crash in the room below us, and everything went quiet.

"Eddie! Are you okay?" Bill slammed his palm against the door twice. "Eds?!" I took my ear away from the door, turning around to see Richie creeping to another door as if something was calling him.

"Rich..." I whispered.

"Eddie!" He suddenly started walking faster towards the room, going inside. "Hey Eddie." He went farther into the room.

"Eddie! Where the fuck are you?! We're not playing hide and seek dipshit!" His voice was half quiet.

"Richie!" I snapped at him. He turned around to face me, a couple feet away from the doorway. He started moving towards the door, which suddenly slammed shut. "Richie!!!" Me and Bill left towards the door. I grabbed the knob, messing with it. The door wouldn't budge.

"Bill! Brook! C'mon guys open the door!!!" He shouted. He was banging on the door from the inside.

"It won't open! What going on richie?!?!" Bill shouted, ramming his shoulder into the door.

"Open the door Richie!! Richie! Richie!!!" I shouted, slamming my palms against the paint-peeling wood chipped door. He suddenly went silent.

"Pennywise." I whispered. I stop banging on the door and messing with the knob.

"W-what?" Bill said weakly down to me.

"That's SON OF A BITCH IS GONNA TAKE HIM LIKE HE TOOK GEORGIE!!" I started lashing out on the door. Billy wrapped both arms around my waist and pulled me away from the door.

Richie suddenly screamed one more time from inside the room. Me and Bill snapped our attention.

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