Chapter six

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"No I love being your personal doorman, really. Could you idiots have taken any longer?!" Richie and I rode our bikes in circles around the group.

"Alright, shut up Richie!" Eddie spat.

"Yeah, Shut up richie!" Stan sided with Eds.

"Oh okay, trash the trash-mouth! I get it! Hey, at least i wasn't the one scrubbing her bathroom floor and imagining that her sink went all Eddie's mom's vagina on Halloween!" Richie said as Bill slowed to a stop, causing the rest of the losers to stop.

"She didn't imagine it! ...I... I s-s-s-saw something too..." Billy tucked in his bottom lip like he did often. I finished following Richie in another circle around them before stopping to listen.

"You saw blood too? Is t-that why you were u-up last night?" I stepped off my bike.

"Not blood." His eyes tore through mine. "G-g-g-geor-george-Georgie..." a low whisper caused my lip to quiver in the slightest. Stan put a hand on my shoulder. I reached my hand up and covered his with my own on top of my shoulder.

"It s-seemed so real." Billy continued.

"It wasn't." I whispered to myself, letting my head hang.

"I mean- it seemed like him, but." I raised my head. "T-there was this-"

"The clown." I deadpanned. He was just popping up more and more recently, I wanted to kill it. "Yeah, I saw him too."

I refused to make eye contact with anyone.

"Wait, can only virgins see this stuff? Is that why I'm not seeing this shit?!" Richie touched a hand to chest. I was too in shock to make a remark.

We heard a distinct chattering coming from the woods. We saw Huggins car.

"That's belch Huggins car." Richie adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose.

"We-we should get out of here!" Eddie stammered, shuffling his feet.

"Wait." Billy took a step forward. "Isn't that the homeschooled kids bike?"

"Mike... the whisper escaped my mouth as I realized, too, that it was his bike. I dropped my bike to the ground and ran past it, into the forest.

"Brook!" I heard them yelling after me. I kept running till I saw it. Henry had him pinned to the ground, about to beat his face in with a rock. Mike was straining, focusing on the rock in Henry's hand.

"Piece of SHIT!!" I screamed. I picked up a rock and launched it at Henry's head, just as the rest of them came up behind me. The rock hit Henry right in the head, knocking him off of mike. Mike jumped forward, tripping and falling into the river. He crawled to the rocks where me and the rest of the losers were. I knelt down, helping him sit behind a bush. "Okay, stay here. I'm gonna go kick Henry's ass!"

I stood up, turning around to face Henry. "Hey princess! You still waiting for me or what? Don't worry! I'm saving myself for you!" He licked his lips, rubbing the crotch of his pants a little too hard.

Billy screamed, launching his rock at Henry. It hit him right between the eyes.

"ROCK WAR!!!!" Me and Richie screamed. Richie got hit in the forehead with a rock immediately.

"Fuck you motherfuckers!!!" Richie shouted over all the grunts and people throwing rocks. Everybody was kneeling down to grab more rocks and launch them at the other side. Mike stood up, loading himself with rocks as well.

"Fuck you bitch!!!" Belch Huggins yelled at Beverly just as she threw a rock at his head. "Trust me Huggins, I'm feeling that mood as well..." I muttered before I threw another rock.

Belch and victor said something incomprehensible before running off, leaving Henry laying in the rocks.

We all stopping, knowing we had won. "Screw off Henry!! It's eight against one!!" I yelled. Henry tried sitting up a little. The rest of the losers, besides me and Richie, left to get help mike get out of there.

"Go blow your dad, you mullet-wearing asshole!!!" Richie flipped him off on both hands, something we both like to do. Richie grabbed my wrist and walked to follow the path the other losers had taken.

We walked through tall grass in a line, a slow passing train on tracks behind us.

"Thanks you guys but- you shouldn't have done that! Now he'll be after you too!" Mike said to us.

"Don't worry mike! He was always after us!" I said in a 'forget about it' tone.

"After US anyways! He wouldn't hurt you! Even after that!" Stanley referred to the rock fight from a minute ago.

"Not PHYSICALLY. He would mentally, slaughter me. He's so fucking stupid!" We continued walking.

"Hey homeschool! Welcome to the losers club!" Richie yelled behind me to Mike over the train.

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