Chapter thirteen

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August 1989

"I'm g-gonna go get bev." Bill stuttered, heading down the stairs towards the front door.

"Cool I'll come with."

We rode our bikes to the Well house. Billy came to a halt and checked his watch. "I-I'm gonna go check Beverly's house. You s-stay here Incase she comes." He rode off.

About ten minutes later, he came zooming my way. "We need to go. Right. Now!" I kicked my peg back and peddled my bike as fast as I could to follow him. "You go get Stan, Mike and Ben! I'll get Richie and Eddie!"

"What-what is going on?! What h-happened?!" A car raced past us as we sped through the streets, peddling as fast as we could.

"I'll explain when we get there! Just- get t-them and meet me at Neibolt!" He yelled over the wind in our ears. I nodded to him as we turned off different corners.

I pulled my bike in front of the temple. "STAN!!! WE NEED TO GO!!!" I yelled. I saw his bike leaned against the wall by the main doors. He came out a second later, nodded to me and hopping on his bike. "You go get mike." I nodded to him. He turned on a separate street.

I came to a stop in front of Ben's house. He sat on his porch. He looked up from his book, nodding towards me and hopping on his bike so he could follow me.

As we rode to Neibolt, Stan and Mike came around a corner, forming a group with me and Ben.

We jumped off our bikes on the dead yard. Billy came with Eddie and Richie a second later.

"Holy shit! Your hair!" Eddie ran over to me, patting my head with his unbroken arm.

"It looks beautiful on you Mike said from a couple feet away.

"T-thanks." I smiled.

"Guys, spikes." Bill bent down to pick up the metal poles. Eddie unclipped his fanny pack and threw it across the yard.

I bent down and helped Billy get the metal poles under the little straps on his backpack. There was the sudden sound of glass breaking. Everybody else looked up, I just continued putting the poles on Bill's backpack.

We stood up, walking into the house. Bill pushed the door open slowly, switching on the flashlight. I did the same. I stepped slowly inside, the wooden boards creaking softly under my feet. I looked around, the same as last time. Spiderwebs, trash, vines and dead plants. I stayed close to Billy.

"Stan?" Ben turned around to look at the doorway. Stan was standing there, still outside but looking in. He pointed his lit flashlight inside.

"Stan we all have to go." Bill insisted as he took a step towards the door. "B-be-Bev-Beverly was right. If we split up like last time, that clown will kill us one by one. But if we stick together, all of us, we'll win." His voice was shaky.

I walked up to Stanley, grabbing his hand in mine and leading him into the house. We all continued forward down the hall. We cut through the kitchen, through the doorway where I had followed pennywise when he retreated.

We stepped down the stairs slowly, into the dark musty basement. "The well."

"Hey Eddie, you got a quarter?" Richie remarked as we stood around the well. I stood on the farthest side away from richie, scoffing.

"Wouldn't wanna make a wish in that fucking thing!" Eddie retorted. We all shone our flashlights down into the well.

"Beverly?!" Ben shouted down, his echoes bounced off the stone of the well all the way down.

"How are we supposed to get down there?" Mike asked, huffing. I turned around and shone my light on a rope that had some knots in it. Mike grabbed it and hung it on the hook above the well, we all tossed the rope in and watched it fall.

"Alright, come on." Bill grabbed my waist as I climbed up and stood on the edge of the well. I grabbed the rope and wrapped my first leg around it. Bill let go of my waist as my whole body was on the rope now.

"Careful." Stan held out a hand to grab the rope, holding it steady for me. I carefully moved down the rope, moving to sit on each knot before adjusting my hands and feet so I could move down more. Bill got on the rope next, then Eddie. After that I couldn't see who got on.

I found a hole in the wall and reached over for it, hoisting myself in. Bill came down next. I grabbed his hand and helped pull him in. Then he helped Eddie. After a minute, everyone was in the hole except Mike.

"You Alright, buddy?" Richie asked as he helped pull ben in. We suddenly heard mike scream. I squeezed in between them as we looked up. "Mike!!!" I screamed.


"Mike! You okay? Mike!"

We were all yelling but we couldn't see mike. Henry suddenly came into view, smiling like a psychopath. "Maaahhhh. Maaah." His face was covered in blood. He suddenly grabbed the rope, pulling it up.

"Bowers." I mumbled.

"Shit!! Get the rope! Get the rope!" Eddie screamed. I reached out, grabbing the end of the rope. It yanked me a little towards the edge. Stan, Richie, bill, and Eddie grabbed my waist before I was dragged into the dark endless hole. "Shit." Richie muttered. Henry pulled the entire rope up and tossed it to the side.

"Mike!" Richie yelled up. "Leave him alone!" We heard a lot of grunting and struggling. "Mike!!" We all started screaming his name.

"I s-s-should get up there!" I said, looking around. Would I be able to climb up the rocks? Bill grabbed my waist and pulled me back. "Are you insane? With what?!" Eddie yelled at me.

Mike and Henry were suddenly yelling. Henry came falling down the well super fast. "Holy shit!" Me and Richie yelled at the same time. I glanced at him before turning away. Mike peered over the side. He threw the rope back down and climbed down with us.

As he was climbing down, I turned around to check on Stan. He wasn't there. "Guys! Stan is-" I turned back around. Instead of being crouched in the hole with them, I was crouched by the sewer. It was raining. I was in my yellow slicker and pink galoshes. I looked around nervously. "Guys?!" I screamed out.

I glanced over and saw Georgie, at the end of the road. He had half of an arm and in his other hand, he was holding a red balloon.

"Brook. I miss you. You'll float too!" He giggled. "You'll float too! You float too!" His voice became distorted like an old talking doll.

There was a sudden roar, and pennywise suddenly jumped out at me from the sewer, grabbing my neck. With a flash, I bolted up straight and I was in the sewer with the rest of the losers around me.

"Oh my god! Thank g-god you're okay!" Bill reached down and hugged me. "N-now we need to find stan!" We stood up and started running through the sewers. The well must've connected to it. We suddenly heard Stan screaming.

"Stan!!" I yelled, running to follow the screams. We got to a metal door. We all leaned against the door to push it open.



"Stan! We're coming man!"

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