Chapter five

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We rode through the street, landing on his lawn and hopping off our bikes. Ben lept off his bike, rushing into his house and leaving the door open for us.

I got off my bike gently so I didn't break it, setting it up on its kickstand before following the others into the house.

I was walking in front of Richie and Eddie who were talking. I was half paying attention.

"I heard he has a rollercoaster, and a pet chimp, and like and old guy's fucking bones!"

"Richie!" I turned around. "Zip-it!" We stepped into the room. There were papers taped to the wall. News articles and missing kid posters.

"Woah, woah. Woah!" Richie separated from everyone as each individual looked at something in his room.

"Cool, huh?" Ben propped himself against a door with his arm.

"No, no. Nothing cool! There's nothing cool..." Richie studied the pages on the wall in front of us, he stood beside me.

"What's that?" Stan pointed to a page on the wall that stood out from the rest.

"Oh that?" Ben found the one he was pointing to. "That's the charter for Derry township."

"Nerd alert!" Richie adjusted his glasses.

"No, actually. It's pretty interesting! Derry started as a beaver trapping camp."

"Still is! Amirite guys?!" Richie held his hand out for a high five. I slapped his hand down without looking away from the page on the wall.

"91 people signed the charter that made Derry. But, later that winter, they all disappeared without a trace." Ben explained.

"The entire camp?" Eddie asked, shocked.

"There were rumors of Indians..." Ben started explaining again. "But- no sign of an attack. Everybody just thought it was a plague or something. But it's like- one day everybody just, woke up and left..." his words had me hooked. "The only clue was a trail of bloody cloths leading to the well house..."

I peeked over my shoulder as I heard the door creaking closed. I saw Beverly closing the door slowly to reveal a new kids on the block poster. Ben faced her and smiled weakly, before she reopened the door and moved on. I turned back around to face the papers.

"W-w-w-where was the Well House?" I asked him.

"I- don't know... somewhere in town I guess." He said. I let out a small sigh in defeat. If this was who- WHAT- I thought it was, maybe I could get Georgie back, or stop more kids from going missing.


"N-Nothing..." the word escaped my lips quietly. I stood there, lost in thought about this, thing. When Richie came up beside me.

"Whatcha thinking about?" He brushed his hand against mine before slipping it into his pocket.

"...nothing." I turned around. "I- just remembered! I have s-something at home. S-See you later guys!" I sped walked out of the room.

I rushed out the front door to my bike. "Brook! Wait!" Billy came running up behind me. "What's w-wrong!?" He grabbed my wrist.

I didn't say anything, I just broke down into tears. He pulled my wrist, my body falling into his for a hug. We did this often. One of us breaking into tears, or maybe both of us, and us just staying in a hug. We never knew exactly how long those hugs lasted, but they lasted awhile.

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