Chapter 10 : For a Kiss

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It was finally fourth period which meant that lunch was next. It also meant that I was currently in science and that Jonah was going to walk through the doorway any second. About a minute before the late bell was going to ring, he slipped in and his gaze met mine instantly.

He put his things down next to me and took a seat. Before he could say a word, the girl who sat next to me last week walked in and noticed Jonah in her seat.

"Um, excuse me, new kid. I kinda sat there all of last week, making it my spot." She complained.

"Sorry, but I kinda decided to sit here from now on, making it my seat." Jonah mocked. I tried to hold in a giggle but miserably failed. The girl groaned and went over to sit in the back instead.

"Wow, she's pissed now." I stated.

"It was worth it. I get to sit next to my girlfriend now." He smirked.

"Aaanndd you should stop talking now." I kicked his leg.

"Ouch, babygirl."

"Oh, shut up jack*ss."

"Can't and won't." The corners of his mouth curled into a huge grin.

"Yeah I kinda realized that, sadly." I pouted, making Jonah chuckle. A moment later I locked eyes with him and whispered, "You're really annoying," with a wide smile.

"Stop hurting my feelings, babygirl."

"As I said, stop talking, jack*ss." We were so caught up in our own conversation that neither of us had realized that the science teacher, Mr. Fritz, had started writing the objectives of the day on the chalkboard.

I lightly nudged Jonah's arm with my elbow and signaled him to pay attention. I was not going to fail this class just because I was busy talking to a guy. He shrugged and laid his back against the seat with his legs apart and arms crossed. I felt his eyes occasionally peeking over at me, making me feel a bit self conscious.

Mr. Fritz ran out of the room at one point to go to the computer lab and print out multiple sheets of paper for a packet. The entire class used that moment as an opportunity to socialize with one another.

"Did you understand a word he said?" Jonah asked me, giving off a confused expression.

I shrugged. "All I heard was that we're gonna be discussing body systems later this week. We already did this in middle school. Just great."

"Just look at me whenever you get grossed out. You'll forget about the... excretory system." He snickered.

"No...I'll just get grossed out even more." I shot back. Jonah widened his eyes with shock, his mouth hanging.

"Damn.." He muttered. I smiled with pride, knowing I found a way to make him shut up. A few minutes later, Mr. Fritz still wasn't back and Jonah still hadn't said a word.

"Jonah, you haven't said a word." I looked at him with a bored look.

"You hurt my feelings." He pouted like a toddler, looking straight at me with his soft green eyes.

I rolled my eyes. "Stop being dramatic."  He blinked and didn't say a word. "Fine. I'm sorry." I gave in.

A sly smirk grew on his face. "That won't do."

"Then what?" I asked, feeling slightly irritated.

"I want a kiss." His smirk grew even more.

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