Chapter 16 : Schedule Change

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I woke up later than usual the very next morning. Most likely because I stayed up until 2 am thinking about nothing. Nothing at all. Or at least, that's what it felt like. My mother had also came home from a business trip around five in the morning and was going to be home for the remainder of the week.

"Morning Mom." I greeted her as I came running down the stairs.

"Good morning, sweetheart. Are you ready? Do you have your bag?" She asked, looking at me. I nodded as I slipped on my shoes quickly.

"I gotta go Mom." I said as I gave her a big hug. "I'm kinda running late."

"Aren't you gonna ea-" She began before I cut her off.

"Sorry, can't. Love you!" I shouted as I left the house and made my way to the bus stop. The school bus arrived at school, and I headed in with Jonah's jacket in my arms. I was expecting either him of Zach to come up to me at my locker, but surprisingly, none of them did, just like yesterday.

I guess he can have his jacket during science then.

I tied Jonah's coat around my waist and headed to english. Zach was already in the class, sitting in his seat, discreetly playing games on his phone as always.

"Hey, Zach." I said as I took my seat.

"Oh hey." He smiled. "Did you bring any-"

"No, I do not have grapes in my lunch." I answered before he could finish his sentence.

"Dang it." He sighed. "You're such a disappointment."

"Haha, very funny." I rolled my eyes while he shrugged.

"Can I come over again, today?" He asked me, looking up.

"Sure if you want and if you promise not to spit grapes at me." I stated.

"I don't know about the grapes but ok, I'll call you around 5:30." He laughed.

"You're such a butt, Herron."

"Why thank you, I try. I hope I'm a cute one." He joked, making me giggle. As some guy got up to ask Zach a question, my gaze wandered around the classroom and saw a figure walk through the doorway.

My eyes widened as I instantly noticed who it was. I leaned in closer, trying to eavesdrop and listen to what he was saying to the teacher.

"Uh, Mrs. Morrison?"

"Yes, Jonah? What would you like?" She glanced up from her desk and gave him a warm, welcoming smile.

"I got a schedule change and I'm now supposed to be in your first period class instead of period six." He answered, pulling out a sheet of paper that seemed like his schedule, from a blue folder.


"Oh, alright then. Let's see..." Mrs. Morrison stood up and scanned the classroom. "You may sit next to Ms. Johnson in the back." She informed him.


In response to hearing my last name, I slightly lowered my head down and tried to hide myself from his view. Zach was still busy talking to the boy.

Jonah gave Mrs. Morrison a confused look. "Who?"

"Skylar. In the back." She pointed towards me and I glanced up to see the stupidest grin stretch across his face.

No no no no no no no! I thought to myself as he approached the seat to my right, which had been empty since the first day.

Made For • ZDH & JMRF *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now