Sequel to "The Time of Flash"
It's been a few years since Serenity and Barry Allen confronted Savitar and other villains with still being great parents to their six year old twins, Dawn and DJ Allen. They've met other heroes and joined teams with t...
Tonight's story for the twins was the time Barry and I had our bachelor/bachelorette party. Obviously it would be tamed with not telling them Barry's side of the story but tell them the eventful night I had.
We told them some of the story already with what happened near the beginning of my party with the meta's eye coming out with the obvious ohh and eww from the twins. We were now telling them the part when we made it to Amulet's club.
We made it to STAR Labs after Caitlin turned into Killer Frost. The obvious thing Killer Frost did was change.
"Hey Iris, go handle Felicity and Cecile." I whispered to her while we turned back when Killer Frost lifted her shirt up. I ended up walking out to check the camera we had installed the house to see the nanny still playing with the twins who weren't sleeping yet. I then walked into the Cortex to see Felicity working on finding something while Iris was on the phone and Cecile was pacing around.
"Who you looking for Felicity? You called Barry didn't you, Iris? Are you ok, Cecile?" I asked when Iris nodded.
"Tracking Caitlin's cold pattern to find her." Felicity said.
"I'm trying to calm myself knowing Caitlin is under that." Cecile said and I nodded my head.
"Found where she's heading." Felicity said.
"Where?" I asked.
"To a run down building." She said and I nodded while I went to grab my suit.
"Meet you three there. Felicity send me the coordinates." I said before walking out to change and get on my motorcycle.
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(Her motorcycle)
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(Hood is longer to hide her face but she is wearing a mask. Instead of an eagle it's a night sky)
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(Her actual bow)
"Guys I'm staking out the front of the building to see if anyone exits." I said.
"We're back in STAR Labs with Killer Frost." Iris said, "She's telling us about this Amunet."
"Heard about her." I muttered, "I'll stay to check on any shady business."
"We'll track where Amunet is headed while we also check on Amunet's criminal history. I'll also try to talk to Killer Frost." Iris said.
"Go girl power." I cheered into the mic in the suit, "Gonna see if any of the boys answer my phone."
I went to call Barry who didn't answer. I then tried Joe's and Cisco's phones but they didn't answer. I looked down to see some lady, I'm gonna guess Amunet, leave to head somewhere.
"Someone's leaving. I believe it's Amunet." I said to the three.
"We'll try to track where she heads. I'll send them over but stay as close just in case I can't get them." Felicity said before I hoped back onto my motorcycle before I followed. When I did finally get close enough to where she ended up I saw her back faced to me with Caitlin behind her and cops in front of her. I saw Iris close and I helped her get Caitlin in the van before we all speed our way back to STAR Labs.
When we got back, Caitlin went to remove shards from her arm but I nodded to Iris to follow here while I stayed with Felicity and Cecile to tell them what I saw which was little. We also had more evidence which was tears of a meta that Felicity looked at, she explained it was basically a drug when Iris and Caitlin got back into the Cortex with the rest of us. We asked Caitlin where she was before Felicity went into her skills before finding it. The four of us started to walk out when Caitlin said, "Guys I can't go with you. If I lose control, I could become a liability."
"You don't have to." I said.
"We got this." Iris said looking at all of us and I nodded my head before we all walked out and headed to where Felicity told us Amunet was headed.
"Guys I need a distraction so she doesn't do anything to my arrows." I said understanding the possibility of her redirecting my arrows were high. Iris and Felicity went to confront before I would step in Caitlin came in to help fight. The other guards raised there guns before I was able to shot all of them in their hands were their gun was before Caitlin knocked them back. The three of us went close to Caitlin before Amunet tried to kill us with her powers before Caitlin made a shield.
We created a plan before Caitlin blaster the shield and let the other set of guards flying. Caitlin and Amunet talked for a bit before Iris yelled out, "Cecile now." Letting Amunet's metal arm go flying out. I shot an arrow at Amunet's lifted arm managing to hit her in the shoulder when Caitlin went out letting Killer Frost take over who tried to go kill Amunet. Iris did a little inspiration thing before Killer Frost stopped and Amunet and one of her minions I would call ran off. I went to shot an arrow at the meta that was captive's cuffs when Iris went to reassure him.
Instead of getting our help, he ran away from us before Cecile notified us about the police coming. We all headed back to the Lab when I went to change and put my uniform back on when Caitlin stayed in her Killer Frost to show the boys. I turned back to the three guys and Iris walk in looking exhausted. When Iris was explaining the situation, I went to put a little note in Caitlin's bag before I saw Barry looking at me wanting to go home.
-Flashback Over-
"So mommy and aunty Iris basically lead the team?" Dawn asked.
"Aunty Iris lead most of it but we all did our job." I said and kissed Dawn's head before tucking her in and letting Barry do the same thing while I went to do the same thing for DJ.
"I can be a leader one day." Dawn cheered out when DJ said, "We can lead our own teams like mommy and daddy do."
We laughed at the two before shushing them and helping them fall asleep before leaving them. We went downstairs to just cuddle and talk.
"So there was a reason why you wanted to talk more about this story." Barry said when he lifted my legs to rest on his lap.
"Hey just want to teach out daughter she can be as powerful as she hear's more of her father's story." I said and leaned closer on Barry's shoulder.
"Well there gonna hear more from your side when I was in jail." He pointed out.
"That story is getting closer." I said.
"They'll understand." He said and I nodded my head before Barry went to kiss my forehead before my lips.
"I love you." I said.
"I love you, too." He said before pulling me in again.