Chapter Nineteen - Sharp Move

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Amanda's P.O.V

I called Alyssa again. She didnt pick up the last few days.

"Amanda!" she said through the phone

"Alyssa" I said

"How has it been?" she asked

"That's why I called" I said

"You have 2 ears" she said

"I saw Josh and a blonde whore snogging. He keeps apologizing and saying he loves me" I said. She couldn't see my facial expression

"I see. Well do you love him?" she brought up

"Somewhere deep in my heart" I said

"well if you love him things will work out" she said. Quoting Liam

"thanks Alyssa" i said

"anytime, I gotta go to work bye hun" she said and the phone clicked

We have been 3 weeks into the tour. We have been over the West. I was depressed kinda, but I wasn't gonna show that. I missed Josh, but I couldn't give in. Like a bass on a fishing line, putting up a hard fight till the end. We have ignored each other ever since we set foot on the bus. Well except for 1 or 2 short convos. We were going to Texas next, but we stopped the bus for the night. We didn't bother getting a hotel. We had all decided to watch a movie and eat junk food. I brought along classic movies most of them haven't seen them. They chose the one with the title "Smokey and the Bandit". Oldie, but goodie. We watched while I was munching through the popcorn. I mocked a few of my favorite lines from Buford T. Justice.

I realized I was out of popcorn so I got up to get more. Josh was in the kitchen doing something with knives. He quickly moved his shirt and hurried out if the kitchen. Owell.

"I'm going for a night walk" I heard him yell to everyone else as he walked toward the bus door.

It hit me what I just witnessed. I couldn't control my heart this time. I love Josh Devine.

*flash back to the kitchen*

I walked into the kitchen. Josh had a medium sized butcher knife clutched in his hand. He slid it up his sleeve. He yelled that he was going for a walk. Oh no.

*present time*

"NO!" I said jumping of the couch and out the door. I heard the boys behind me asking what was wrong but I ignored them. I sped out the door.

He stood out on the side walk staring at the sky, the knife pointed at him.

"If I can't be with Amanda I won't be with anyone" he said to the full moon

"JOSH!" I screamed,but not with anger, running toward him. He slowly turned around.

I grabbed the knife from his possession.

"Amanda what are you doing?" he asked

"If anyone deserves to die, it should be me, for being a jerk when you were trying to apologize" I said as my eyes teared up.

"Amanda, I'm sorry please forgive me" he begged

"I love you" I said

"I love you too" he said

He came up and crashed his lips onto mine. It was the most passionate kiss. He begged for entrance from my bottom lip. I couldn't resist, I missed him so much. Our tongues danced. We released, breathing a little heavy. We stood there hugging as tight as possible. I was crying, of happiness of course. We stayed in each others grip. Facial and physical action can show and tell a lot. We walked back to the bus.

"finally" Louis said as we entered the bus hand in hand. They did bother asking me about my sudden leave earlier, they saw I was happy and didn't want to ruin it.

"were going to bed" I said. Harry wiggled his eyebrow

"Hazza shut it" I said as everyone else laughed.

We walked back to our usual bunk. I crawled in first. Josh following behind. We laid in each other arms. Smiling and cuddling.

"I'm glad I can love you again" Josh said

"I'm glad too" I said

"I want to be the only one to steal you love" he said

"I want to be the only one for you too" I said

"you are" he said. Kissing my nose

We both started singing.

Well I just heard the news today

It seems my life is going to change

I close my eyes, begin to pray

Then tears of joy stream down my face

With arms wide open

Under the sunlight

Welcome to this place

I'll show you everything

With arms wide open

With arms wide open

Well I don't know if I'm ready

To be the man I have to be

I'll take a breath, I'll take her by my side

We stand in awe, we've created life

With arms wide open

Under the sunlight

Welcome to this place

I'll show you everything

With arms wide open

Now everything has changed

I'll show you love

I'll show you everything

With arms wide open

With arms wide open

I'll show you everything ...oh yeah

With arms wide open..wide open

We finished singing With Arms Wide Open by Creed. I went to sleep hearing Josh's heartbeat. I'm glad he's back, and he's mine.

*The Next Morning*

I woke up feeling happy, lucky in fact. Josh could have any girl, and I mean ANY girl. He chose me, which made me feel special. I woke up and ate breakfast. We did the normal routine getting dressed, heading to sound check. While we were eating lunch Josh brought up a subject involving me.

"So Amanda, do you miss your mom" Niall asked

"Well even though she is annoying, yes" I answered

"Were going to Nashville in 2 weeks" Josh said grinning and blushing

"Really?!" I asked

"Just for you" Josh answered

"Thank you so much" I said hugging the necks around me

We had our concert later on that night. Since I did them all the time it was no big deal. Tomorrow we are driving to Ohio and working our was down to Nashville. I can't wait.

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