Chapter Five - What? Really?

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*Amanda's P.O.V*

I woke up fairly late than the regular time I've been getting up. I had a million thoughts on my mine. All related to Josh. Being a "Tom boy" and not a girly girly, guys were never interested in me. Plus I'm not the one woth looks exactly. Alyssa would always try to set me up with guys but I was never interested. I was more focused on music and other things rather than a relationship. For once was a guy interested in me or liked my music? Was I for once enjoying the presence of Josh? Who am I kidding, Josh would never like me! After going through this in my head I noticed my growling stomach. I basically sprinted down the stairs to be greeted by my mother.

"hey I gotta leave for work but there are ingredients for pancakes in the cabinet, bye!" my mom explained while leaving out the door.

"bye" I waved

I gathered the ingredients and mixed them to make pancake batter. I poured it on the skillet and flipped them until they were done. I sat there enjoying my creation. After that I went up to my room to think of what I could do today. At that moment my iPhone buzzed.

From: Josh Devine

Hey would you like to go to lunch at the hard rock cafe? 12:30?:)

To: Josh Devine

Sure! I'd love to:) Pick me up? I'll text you deats to my house.

*Josh's P.O.V*

Once I finished texting Amanda I got dressed. I put on a white tight v-neck(I can't help there tight) and some jeans. I slipped some toms on my way out of my hotel room. I got to the kitchen where I found all the boys staring at me. Harry was the first one to break the silence.

"where we're you last night" Harry said with a smirk on his face

"no where" I tried to say convincingly but failed

"spill it" Liam said

"remember that Amanda girl who played the guitar and sung, I went and talked to her" I said trying not to blush

"yeah she sounds great! she would make a great guitarist for our band" Niall said

"where you going" Louis piped in noticing my attire

" I was actually going to meet and talk with her about what Niall just mentioned" I said still trying to hold my blushing back, but Zayn noticed it.

"does someone have a crush?" Zayn asked smirking

"No" I said full out blushing like crazy

"I think someone does" Louis said winking

"guys don't mess with him just let him go on his little date, bye josh" Liam said I respect him for taking up for me.

"Bye Josh!" the rest yelled.

With that I left. I walked out of the hotel to the address Amanda sent me. I hope she doesn't mind walking surely she won't. I got her house and she opened the door.

*Amanda's P.O.V*

I just got finished dressing. I wore a black flowing short with a daisy in the middle. I put on blue jean shorts and some black toms to match my shirt. As I was walking downstairs and grabbing my bag I heard a knock at the door and threw my bag over my shoulder.

"Hey!" Josh said while pulling me into a friendly hug

"Hey!" I responded while in the hug

" I hope you don't mind walking because I don't have my Jeep with me" Josh said

"I don't and you have a Jeep too?" I said with a smile on my face

"Yep! Now we should get going before my growling stomach attacks me" he said taking my hand and leading me out the door while we laughed

"Lead the way!" I said and with that he did

We walked down the street hand in hand. I liked the way he held my hand. No one had done it before so I wouldn't know. It's wasn't awkward thou it was a warming feeling. Once we walked in he led me to a table reserved in the back.

"did I mention this is my favorite place to eat" I said enjoying the atmosphere like I always did

" No, but I guess I'm a mind reader" he said while winking

A waitress came up and took our order. I got a bacon cheese burger and Josh got regular burger with everything on it. Before our food got there we talked.

"Did I mention you look pretty?" Josh stated

"Thanks no one has ever called me that. so why did you want to have lunch with me?" I asked

"Your pretty cool and I wanted to discuss something about your talent" he said the last part somewhat serious, but not to much for discomfort.

"my guitar talent?" I asked. Of course I knew but I just said that anyways

"Yeah. One Direction are looking for guitarist and I mentioned you to the boys and the manager. They backed me up to the manager saying that you were talented" Josh explained

"So would you play guitar for one direction?" he asked

"Can I think about it? I would love to but I want to talk it over with my mom" I said thoughts running through my head

"Sure it understandable I did the same thing"

Our food came right as our convo ended. I ripped a little bit of my straw paper off and twisted the other end. I blew into it and aimed it at Josh. It hit his for head. He did the same thing back except his hitting my chest. We both busted out laughing. We finished eating.

"Would you like to walk around and talk?" Josh asked

"Sure!" I answered with a little excitement

We started walking down the strip and we talked.

"So tell me about yourself" I said

"what do you want to know?"

"umm ok, let start simple. Favorite color. Age. Hometown?" I asked

"ok easy. Red. 20. UK. And you?" he said throwing the question back

"Um. Blue. 18. Murfreesboro TN"

"what would you say about coffee and an explanation of your life story?" he smiled while waking me into a coffee shop. We ordered and sat down to talk some more.

"so you want my life story huh?" I said with a questioning look on my face

"Well, every since I was little I wanted to play music. I can play the drums, but I mainly play the guitar. I'm an only child and I only have my mom left. My dad died in a car crash while test driving a car. He used to work on cars and something happened to it and he crashed..." I stated trying not to burst into tears

"I'm so sorry Amanda" Josh said while pulling me into a hug and keeping his arm wrapped around me the rest of the conversation

"anyways my best friend is Alyssa, and I used to be close to Scotty. I hope to be a musician or play for someone" I finished

"now your turn" I said

"Ok. Ever since I was little I wanted to play the drums. I have a brother named Ben. I played drums through school and entered a few contest and then I became a session drummer"he finished

After talking and laughing it was getting late in the afternoon. Josh walked me back home.

"I enjoyed today, I haven't done anything like that in awhile" I said with all smiles

"I'm glad you enjoyed it because I did. If you can get back with me in a few days about the guitar position that would be great"

"will do!" I was still amazed that they want me in there band

"Bye" Josh said while wrapping me in a hug

"Bye" I said while being released from his hug. I really like these hugs.

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