Chapter 15

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I hated when Jamie got under my skin like that. I just felt so guilty about everything that when she fusses at me, no matter how much I try to internally resist, I end up doing whatever she told me to get out of whatever freak show I was in.

Most of the times, it ended up working out for the best, so I'm not complaining much.

Like Jamie said, I agreed to go with Dallas and Austin on their family reunion crap. And it would probably hurt their feelings to cancel at the last minute like this too.

I want to be their for Dallas so badly, but I still can't get that strange paranoia of him I have in my head. I tried everything, but I just couldn't. Jamie agreed to come to the Family thing with me, just so I could see for myself there's nothing to worry myself about. I love that girl. She always knew what to say and do to help me out.

"You are my strength when I get weak. You were my voice when I couldn't speak. You were my eyes when I couldn't see..." I let my cell phone ring a little from the sweet soothing voice of Celine Dion's "Because You Loved Me."

I had this song specifically set for Dallas two weeks ago. It's so I would know who's calling before I ran for the phone and it turned to be someone who I didn't want to talk to.It was much easier to ignore calls that way.

"H... hello." I choked into the phone from dry throat.

"Callister... hey! What's up?" Dallas said.

"Nothing much... look Dallas," I sighed. "About the other night, I-"

"It's fine." Dallas interrupted me. "I understand."

"You do?" I asked a tad confused. How could he possibly know what was going on in my head. I don't even know what's going on in my head.

"Yeah, Jamie called and told me everything. Why didn't you tell me you were scared of meeting my family?"

What the hell? I'm not scared of meeting his family. I never said that. That Damn Jamie. Now I have to go along with this sob story.

"I don't know Dallas." I fake sighed. "I guess I just get so overwhelmed with everything going on all at once."

There was a brief pause in the conversation... And then a small sigh release.

"Callister?" Dallas said. "My family are some of the nicest and honorable people you'll ever meet. Sure we have our "awkwards" in the family but hey, who doesn't?"

I sighed... Damn. I didn't know what to say to him. I was honestly at a loss for words. Again, I'm not scared to meet his family, but its the lie Jamie made up and now I have to stick with.

"Look Cal,"  Dallad sighed miserably. "I'm not gonna force you to go okay. If you really don't want to go we can stay in and watch those horrible Twilight Saga movies and pig out on junk food. You're choice babe. But promise me you'll atleast think about it."

I cleared my throat and tried to answer him but nothing would come out. So I just mumbled a small "Mhm" before hanging up the phone. "Fuck Callister! Get it together now!"

I have to give myself this pep talk. I have to do it everytime Dallas and I get into awkward situations and he says the sweetest things that'll make me feel all "butterflies in my tummy" like.

He just told me that he would blow off his family reunion and spend the day with me if I wanted. It's very hard to get a guy as sweet, caring and genuine as that. You honestly won't find too many of them. There's no way I can make him miss the one thing he's been must happy about for the past few weeks. I have to go to that family reunion in his arms just the way he wanted.

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