Chapter 10

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"I walk this lonely road, in this boulevard of broken dreams."

They left me here. They left me out here in the middle of the night to fend for myself against the world's nature. I guess this is the payment I get for not dying when those idiots beat me in the hallway... I should've died. Maybe my after life would have been so much better.

I could have been way more than this. If only those fucktards had hit me a little stronger, stomped my rib cages a little harder to break more ribs.. or even choked me a little tighter. I could've finally had true happiness.

Why can't I just die now? Have some wild animal come to maul my body into pieces and feast on my bones? Make it easier eh. Send some local bum to knock me over the head with a bottle, rape me and feed my remains to the dogs in his backyard. I could take anything!

"Why me, huh?" I whispered to no one in particular. Actually, I don't know if there was anyone listening. My whole life I was brought up to think that there's a man in the sky that supposedly created everything and was supposed to watch over me to keep me safe. Yeah right. Where is he now?

"YEAH," I shouted, feeling the tears well into my eyes again as I began to get weaker. "WHERE THE FLYING FUCK ARE YOU NOW?"

I felt tiring screaming myself out to this "God." I bet he's not even real and is just some representative that brought everyone hope in a special time, like Santa Clause in Christmas... or The New Year's baby... or Cupid on Valentine's day.

If there really were a God, than why is over half of the world still starving? Why are children being molested? Why does my father keep getting sent halfway across the world to fight a war he had absolutely nothing to do with? WHY AM I STILL FUCKING WALKING IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT ON THIS DARK ASS ROAD WITH ONLY THE MOONLIGHT AS A FRIEND? WHY?

Ha! No-one can even answer those questions without giving me cliche bullshit!

"That's right... NO ONE!" I screamed again, this time falling to the ground on my knees.

I grew tired, hungry, thirsty... and even a little desperate. My jacket was doing very little to protect me against the cold of the night. It felt like the winds were just ripping right through it with no problem at all. Why didn't I bring my extra hoodie?

On top of it all, I feel the strangest urge that something else is about the happen. It seems like all of the animals and the rest of the darkness has become extremely quiet in anticipation. I think I may even hear my own heartbeat... I can feel it too!

Wait! It's too fast and too loud! I don't think that is me anymore...

I looked up to find the real source of the song. Just to my luck a few miles ahead are two really tiny yellow lights. and they seem to be getting closer. Finally! Some very overdue help.

"HELP!" I screamed, whilst using as much strength as I could muster to stand up and wave them down. "PLEASE! HELP ME!"

As the car came nearer it stopped just a few yards ahead of me. Pushing the little strength I had to my legs, I moved as fast as I could towards the car. No thoughts really ran through my head at this time. I really didn't care if this was help or "my last breath." I just have to cut my losses and desk with it.

"Stop where you are." The person in the car yelled as the bass from the car music turned down and the tinted Windows rolled down slightly. I stopped as told.

"What do you want?" The voice yelled again. From the deepness and carrying of the voice one could tell that it belong to a man.

"Please sir," I stammered. "I just want to get home."

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