Chapter 25

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After that brief and powerful message, and the little pep talk I gave to myself I knew I had to do something with my life.  I couldn't just sit here and sulk. A pity party for myself was not the way to go. It was high time that I get off of my ass and do something about the things that make me feel bad.

I'm not a very religious person, and even though I did have my little self heated argument about who or what God was back in the woods, I do believe that there is something or someone out there watching me and waiting for to do what I was deemed to do.

My father would have a complete bitchy fit if he were to walk in and see me in such a state. He'd tell me, "babyboy, everything in this world happens for a reason. Whether they be bad or if they are good, it happened because it was supposed to. What you do after all is said and done is what really matters."

He used to tell me that a lot when I was younger. I'd call him and tell him what horrors attended my life at the time and he would always tell me those exact words.

Now, the first thing I have to do is shower. Man I reek of sweat, tears, and sadness!
-----------------Dallas' P.O.V.--------------------

Man I screwed things up badly. I had it all. The money, the nice house, the perfect ride and most importantly, I had the perfect boyfriend.

I should have listened to him. I knew all along something evil was going on with my cousins. I just never speculated that that was it.

We were always together as children and we always played with each other. How was I to choose my few months boyfriend over my life long cousins?

If it hadn't been for the police questioning me about the rape of another boy last week involving my cousins, I wouldn't have ever known that my Callister had told me the truth.

I hope those bastards rot in hell for all of the evil shit they've done to people... And too my baby Callister. God, how can I have been so blind?

I hurt him and then I let him walk away. I should've held him down and believed in him. Now, i've lost him and he's been driven to almost insanity.

I know it's for the death of his father, but I should've been there. I should've been there to hold him when he broke... But i wasn't.  I didn't know if he would forgive me. I feel this is mostly my fault.

I know the pain he feels. I felt it before when I lost my baby sister. She was the light to Austin and I's world and when she left, we never gained the light back. There was always a darkness around us. But atleast we had each other to cope... Callister doesn't have a loving sibling to help him. Though Jamie has been there for his whole life, it is not the same as having a brother or sister around.

When we were on the couch and I held him in my arms I couldn't help but to look into his soft sleeping form. He looked so tired... so broken... so beat. He didn't look at all like the boy I grew to love and cherish.

Even after the night my brother and I found him wondering the road in the woods, he then look so lost and hurt, yet there was still a sense of empowerement about him. He still had a glimmer: quite small, but he still had a tiny sleath of happiness within him... Now he just looked so beaten, battered and torn.

FUCK! How could I have been so selfish and stupid? I let someone who could've been my soul mate go away from me. He was most likely the one thing in my life that would have made me feel whole. Hell... The time we were together, I did feel whole.

Maybe one day...  In the slightly neat future he could have possibly had been the other Mr. Austin Sprouse. We could've moved into our own little house on the beach, maybe started a family together. Two maybe three little ones. And I let it all slip away from me.

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