Chapter 19

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"CALLISTER REALLY?" Jamie shouted, as she and my mom stood there in shock. Michael and I still frozen in our position.

"My brother! You're fucking screwing my brother!" She continued shouting and ranting about.

I was honestly speechless. How many people can ever be caught I'm this predicament? Being caught having sex in your room with your best friends brother? How much more embarrassed can I be? There is almost no more blood left in my body... it's all my face. I could feel the burning redness.

"I seen this coming!" Jamie kept on. "I... You... Ugh!!! MICHAEL LET'S GO NOW!"

"Jamie!" Michael protested, grabbing the nearest pillow to cover himself. I just pulled my blanket down over my body. "Calm down!"

" Ne me dites pas de me calmer! Comment suis-je censé calmer lorsque je trouve mes frères pénis dans mes amis butt?"

I know now that Jamie was over the mark of mad. She was pissed! When she began to shout in French, there was no turning back. She was practically on kill mode.

I didn't understand fully what she said, but I did pull out the little words she did teach me.. "Don't tell me to calm down... brothers penis... friends butt."

It's weird that I know that but that's most likely what she said.

"Jamie," I cried. "Please don't be mad at us.. especially at Michael. this was all my fault."

"No," Michael retorted. "This was just as much my fault as his... You're right we should go." Michael reluctantly and frantically started searching for his clothes and putting them on as he found them.

"Jamie," I whispered, looking deep into her eyes. The threat of tears building up inside me. I could feel them piling my bottom eyelids. "Please don't be mad. Please don't stop being my friend." I was trying to hold back the frustration and anxiety going on within me.

"Now Callister," She pondered, actually visually calming down a little. A small smile spread across her face, her perfectly arched eyebrows coming into a devilish snare. "Don't be silly. I wouldn't drop our 18 year friendship over this. Highly pissed... I am though."

The look on her face was a little shattering. It was that of some psychopathic lunatic killer from the movies who had a devious plan in store. Her eyes seemed to stare deep into my soul. I swear I could feel myself burning a little on the inside. I just be unthinking this.. but her smile...

"Why the smile Jamie?" Michael and I both asked at the same time, obviously having the same thought.

My mother finally snapped out of her daze that she's been in for so long, and hurriedly picked up the cookie contents from the floor.

"I'm... s... s... sorry." She mumbled. "I should've knocked."

I couldn't take my eyes from her...  They were just fixated on how she just started picking up the mess and trying her damness not to look me in the eyes. I admit it was a little depressing seeing her like this... But then again: What were the cookies for? My mom only made cookies when something was wrong, Or maybe she was just apologizing for he way she's been treating me these past few months.

"Just leave it mom, " I said sliding my green camouflage boxers on under the covers. "I'll get it."

"I... I was just... going to apologize for the way things have been going between us." She studdered trying to get back to her feet.

Jamie grabbed her by her arm and helped her up while I still sat there. I couldn't move my body even to help her myself. I realized i was still quite naked and my underwear were in my corner of my room.

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