Chance Imagine For Sopdia23

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Sophia's Pov-

    "What time are you bring Brooklyn over?" I asked Emma. I was talking to Emma over the phone because I'm Brooklyn's babysitter and Emma's best friend.

"I'll be over in about two hours," She said as we said bye and I hung up the phone. I walked into my kitchen and took out a plate and cookies for Brooklyn when she gets here.

I cleaned around my house and I sat on the couch waiting for Emma to drop Brooklyn off. I was in the middle of Riverdale when my doorbell went off. I got up and opened the door and saw Emma holding Brooklyn. Brooklyn came running over to me, jumping in my arms.

"Are you ready to have some fun?" I asked her as she shook her head and smiled. I placed her on the ground and walked over to Emma, giving her a hug. "I got her, you can leave now."

"Thanks Sophia for always watching her. I won't be picking her up by the way, her father will," Emma said as she opened the front door and started to walked out. "Bye Sophia, bye Brooklyn."

"Bye mommy," Brooklyn said as Emma walked out. I shut the door and walked over to Brooklyn who was sitting on my couch with the plate of cookies in her lap.

It was now 3 hours later and Brooklyn was running around the house singing a song from Moana. I was on the couch watching her enjoy her time when the doorbell went off. I got up and walked over to the door. I opened it a a guy with blackish-brownish hair and a few tattoos.

"Hi, I'm here to pick up...." The man said but before he could finish Brooklyn ran over to him.

"Daddy," Brooklyn said as she jumped into his arms.

"Hey baby," He said as he kissed her forehead. "I'm Chance, Brooklyn's father and you must be Sophia, Emma's friend and Brooklyn's babysitter."

"Nice to meet you Chance," I said as I moved out of the way so he could walk in. "Do you want anything to eat?"

"No thank you," He said as he sat down on my couch with Brooklyn in his lap. Brooklyn got up and went to go play with her dolls that were on the ground. I walked over to the couch and sat next to Chance.  

"So, I was wondering if I could get your number?" Chance asked as I smiled. "Because, Brooklyn might want to come over here and hang out with you."

"Of course," I said as he handed me his phone and I placed my phone number in and sent myself a text so I had his number in my phone.

"I was actually wondering, if you wanted to go on a date with me tomorrow?" He asked me as I smiled but my smile slowly faded as the thought of what Emma would say if I said yes.

"What about Emma, she might hate me," I said.

"Here, how about you think about it and then text me later if you want to or not," Chance said as I nodded. "Alright, Brooklyn, let's go."

Brooklyn got up and walked over to me and gave me a hug. Chance picked her up and they walked outside.

I grabbed my phone from the kitchen and called Emma. I wanted to ask her if I could go on a date with Chance.

"Hey Emma, I was wondering if I could go on a date with Chance? He asked me when he came and picked up Brooklyn," I said as she laughed and said yes. "Thanks, your the best person in the world."

I ended the call and texted Chance.

    Sophia: I would love to go on a date with you!

    Chance: Great! How about we got and have a picnic at the park?

    Sophia: That sounds awesome!

    I looked at the clock and saw that it was getting really late. I went into my room and got ready for bed. I laid in my bed, thinking about going on the date with Chance.

The Next Day

    I woke up and looked at my phone and saw that Chance texted me. He said he would pick me up around 6:30, I looked at the time. It was 11:36, I needed to get ready.

    I walked into my bathroom and started the shower. I stripped of my clothing and got in the warm shower. I washed my face and my hair. After taking a really quick shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and grabbed a blowdryer. I started to dry my hair. I was going to leave it straight. Once I finished drying my hair, I started to do my makeup.

    I did my normal foundation, concealer, bronzer, and eyebrows. For my eyes I did a dark brown in my crease and then a light, glittery brown on my lid and then a winged eyeliner. I did my mascara, blush and then for my lips, a really light pale baby pink lipstick. 

    I walked over to my closet and pulled out a cute outfit that I thought would look great for the occasion. For a shirt, I was going to wear a salmon pink shirt with lace and the top. For the pants, I was going to wear plain old jeans and for my shoes, I was going to wear white and pinkish vans.

    I then looked at myself in the mirror and smiled. I looked really pretty. I looked at the time and saw that it was 5:30, I had some time to kill.

    I sat on my couch and watched Riverdale, hoping I could finish this episode before Chance came and picked me up. I finished the episode and I heard the doorbell go off. I shut the tv off and grabbed my house keys. I opened the door and saw Chance.

    "You look very pretty," He said smiling. A small tint of red colored my cheeks as I smiled.

    "You look very handsome," I said as I walked out of the house and locked my doors. We walked over to the car and he opened the door for me. I got in and he shut the door and got in and started to drive to the park.

    We got out and he helped me out of the car. He was caring and basket in one hand and he had his other hand wrapped around my shoulder pulling me close to him. We reach a small little spot that we wouldn't be bothered. He laid out the blanket and placed the basket down. I saw down in front of him and smiled. He opened the basket and pulled out watermelon, sandwiches, ice tea, and chocolate covered strawberries.

We started to eat. Once we finished the watermelon and the sandwiches, we started eating the chocolate covered strawberries. I was in heaven, they were so good. Once we finished eating everything, we just sat there and talked for the rest of the night. We talked about Brooklyn and our lives.

We got back in the car and he drove me back to my house. He walked me up to my door and waited for me to get in.

"I really enjoyed tonight Chance," I said smiling. "Thank you."

"I loved hanging out with you Sophia, I hope we can do it again," Chance said smiling.

The End

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