Brady Imagine For Taliyhdhd

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Taliyah's Pov -

    I was standing in line getting ready to meet the boys. I was at an In Real Life concert and I got M&G tickets. I was so excited to meet all of them but mostly Brady. Brady is my favorite.

    "Miss, you are next," The worker said as I smiled and got really nervous. I walked up to Michael and gave him a hug.

    "Nice to meet you, what's your name?" Michael asked me as I smiled and started to blush. "Don't get embarrassed."

    "Taliyah, my name is Taliyah," I said as we took a picture together and I then moved down to Sergio.

    We did the same routine as we did with Michael. I then moved down to Drew and then to Chance. It was now time for me to meet Brady. I was so excited and nervous. My stomach started to do flips.

    I walked over to Brady and gave him a hug. I then felt him slip something in my pocket but I ignored it. I didn't bother to think off what he was doing.

    "Oh my gosh, I'm love you so much," I said as he hugged me tighter and put his chin on my head.

    "I love you too," He said as he squeezed me even harder.

The meet and greet was finally over and I was now in the concert area getting ready to hear them sing. Once it starts my eyes find Brdy but his eyes find my eyes. We stared at each other and neither of us broke the contact.

The whole night he was staring at me. I felt it was kinda weird but I kinda liked him staring at me. It made me think, he might like me.

I was on my way home and I was still thinking about the concert, I enjoyed it and wished I could go back. I wanted to be in Brady's arms again. I missed the feeling.

I was getting ready to get in the shower when something fell out of my pocket. I picked it up. It was a piece of paper. I opened it and it was a phone number. At the bottom it said.....

Love Brady💖

The End

I hope you like your imagine Taliyhdhd Please keep reading and voting

Question: What is your eye color??

Answer: Green in the winter and hazel in the summer

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