Brady Imagine For RainaEarly

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Raina's Pov-

    I was going on tour with my best friends from In Real Life. I have been friends with them for over a few years and I started to develop a small little crush on Brady Tutton. Him and I have so many things in common like we both love singing and acting. We both have a brother and a sister. I've actually known Brady since we were in diapers. His mom and my mom knew each other in highschool and then grew up with each other.

I was actually a famous singer. People found out about me when they started seeing me in Brady's Instagram lives. I sang on YouTube and that was it, but the lifelines started to become my fans and they supported me ever since.

It was actually time for Brady and I to go out and do our duet of the song Him & I by Halsey. Everyone thought we liked each other or that we were dating, even the rest of the band thought that. That's why we do the duet together.

"So, is everyone having a good time!" I screamed into the microphone as all the fans in the audience screamed back. Brady and I just finished our duet so now it was time for the rest of the band to come out so we could answer some questions.  

"Alright, settle down," Chance said as we all sat in the chairs that were on the stage. "So, we are going to be asking questions that we got from twitter."

"So the first one is for all of us," Sergio said as he read the screen that showed the questions. "Why did you start singing?"

Everyone answered except for Brady and I. I listened to what Brady had to saw and I couldn't hold back a smiled.

"So Raina, why did you start singing?" Brady smiled.

"I started singing because that was a way for me to connect with the world, my fans. I never could really talk about my feelings but through music, it's a lot different. Music is the one thing that lets me escape from the world," I answered as the crowd screamed "aww".

We answered a few more questions and we had time for one more question.

"Okay, so the last question is for Brady and Raina," Michael said smiling. "When are you guys going to start dating? And, don't deny it, we can all see the connection you two have with each other."

I blushed and looked down. I didn't want people to see my face, I didn't want Brady to know I actually like him. He's my best friend.

"Yeah Raina, when are we going to start dating?" He asked me as I looked up and stared at him confused.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Raiana, I'm saying, do you want to go on a date with me?" He asked me as we both stood up. I couldn't help but smile and blush.

"I would love too," I said as he hugged me and kissed my forehead.

The crowd started screaming so loud. "Brana! Brana!"

10 Years Later

    Today marks the day Brady asked me out on tour infront of all of our fans. Brady was taking me on a date and he didn't tell me where we were going. All he told we was to dress for the weather and be in something comfy.

    I got into a pair of ripped jean shorts, a white tank top with small black shapes and patterns, and some blue vans. For my makeup I did my normal day makeup and then for my hair, I put it in a high ponytail and then a small flower accessory on. Then I put the promise ring Brady got me and the necklace he also got me that says 'I Love You To The Moon And Back'.

    I walked down the stairs and saw Brady waiting for me on the couch.

    "Are you ready?" I asked him as he got up and turned to face me. His face lit up and he smiled.

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