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Hey guys, I know I haven't been on here in a while and that's because of school and everything else going on in my life. I have two things... 

1. ) I really don't know if I'm going to continue this book. By that, I mean I'm going to completely delete it from my account. I just lost complete interest in this book and my other In Real Life Imagines. I still love them as a band but I lost interest in the BOOK

2. ) I started a Shawn Mendes imagines book and it would mean a lot if you guys could go check that out. It would mean the world to me. 

I really think I'm going to delete this book and the first book to the In Real Life imagines book. I'm also sorry if I didn't get to your request but I've had a really busy month and also, as I was saying I lost complete interest. I'm so sorry if you guys are mad at me but I think this is the best thing for me right now. 

I'm so sorry.

Boy Band Imagines Book 2 *Request Are Closed*Where stories live. Discover now