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//S A G E//

I FINALLY CAUGHT UP with Thomas and Minho, Thomas' cheeks a light pink color and Minho was giving him a death stare. There eyes both widen at the eye makeup I put on, to which  I smirked at their reactions.

I raise an eyebrow at Minho and nod my head towards Thomas. "What's got him all flustered?"

Minho clenches his jaw and gives Thomas another glare. "He was watching you change."

Thomas looks away and scratches the back of his neck. I smirk up at him. "I hope you like what you saw."

Minho gags before walking away, I just laugh. Thomas grabs my arm gently, pulling me away from Minho so we can talk in private. "Hey are you okay?"

"I'm fine, as long as I'm with you." I give him a small smile, lacing my fingers with his.

He smiles back, but it fades. "What did Janson want to talk to you about?"

"Same thing as you." I turn my head away from him, debating if I want to tell him everything.

Thomas eyes me suspiciously. "What else?"

I still avoid eye contact. "He asked what I remember of you."

"Oh." It was quiet for a while, our fingers laced together but my eyes avoiding him. A hand grabs my chin, turning my head towards him. He leans down, placing his lips on mine. Our lips move softly against each other, not aggressively like the other times.

"So what exactly are we looking for?"

Thomas and I jump at the sound of Minho's voice. He pulls away, walking back towards Minho. "Signs of life. People. Survivors. Anyone who can help us."

"Does he count?"

My body moves towards Minho before I can even process. His flashlight was pointed at a person from behind, sitting in a chair in the dark. I swallow thickly. "Shit." I slowly walk towards him, my machete held high. When I make my way in front of him, I was almost disgusted by what I saw. His body seems decomposed, and he had a bag over his head.

Minho points the flashlight at a tall lamp. "They had power."

I follow Thomas' flashlight as he points it at the wall, reveling a table filled with wires. He then trails the flashlight down the wires, before following the wires. I push some doors open, it closing behind us. My machete was held up high as Minho and Thomas had the flashlight.

² 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐧 𝐬𝐤𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐬  - 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘴 Where stories live. Discover now