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//S A G E//

         I WOKE UP WITH a gasp, my abdomen hurting the second I moved. Thomas let's out a sigh of relief, putting a hand on my shoulder to keep me down.

       "Don't move, Vince just stitched you up." He then frowns, his jaw clenching. "What were you thinking going after Teresa like that?"

         I scoff. "She betrayed us Thomas, that doesn't fly past me."

        Tears filled his eyes. "You almost died Sage."

          I take his hand, placing it over my beating heart. "I'm still alive, it would take a lot to kill me."

         He chuckles softly, running his dirty hand through his dirty hair, before lacing our fingers together. "I love you, so much. I love you so fucking much."

         I swallow, not knowing what to say. I don't remember telling him I love him, besides the memory I had when I was in the maze. I lean up, placing my hand on his dirty cheek. "I love you too, Thomas."

        He gives me a small smile, leaning down to place his lips against mine. It was a gentle kiss, something that made my chest flutter.

        The sound of the tent flap opening made us pull apart, Vince walks in along with River. "Looks like your up."

        River sits down on the other side of me, grabbing my hand. "You're stupid."

       "Thanks brother."

       "You're one though girl, Sage." My eyes flicker to Vince. "When Teresa stabbed you, she missed your major organs. But that's not what I mean by calling you tough. You literally never back down from a fight, you get pushed, you get back up." I shrug, not knowing what to say. Vince gives me a weak smile. "Stay off your feet."
He then exits the tent.

        Thomas' eyes flicker between me and River. "I'll leave you two." He pecks my forehead before walking out of the tent.

        River frowns. "I can't believe she stabbed you. The girl who saw you as a sister—."

      "—Stop, I don't want to think about it. I just hope she knows when I go to rescue Minho, I will come after her."

        River's eyes widen. "Going after Minho? Are you crazy!"

        I clench my jaw. "He's my best friend. I would take a bullet for him."

       "Slow your roll Miss Assassin. You just got stabbed."

        "I'll heal." After convincing River to take me outside, he finally complied. I leaned on River for support as he helped me walk towards Thomas, who was packing up a bag. "What do we do now?"

        Thomas head shoots towards me, immediately standing to his feet and rushing towards me. "You're supposed to be resting."

        I shake my head, turing to Vince who was sitting on a boulder, playing with a water jug. "Well, we pick up what's left of us. We stick to the plan. We get you kids to the safe haven." He looks down. "Then we start over, I guess."

        I immediately tense, scoffing. "I'm not going with you."

         All eyes shoot towards me. "What?"

        "I agree with Sage." Thomas wraps his arm around my waist to help me keep me up. "I made a promise to Minho, I would't leave him behind. I have to go after him."

         Vince clenches his jaw, standing up to his feet, waving his arms around. "Hey, kid, look around you. All right? WICKED just kicked our ass. You think about where you're headed."

        Thomas leans down, picking up a backpack and tossing it over his shoulder. "I'm not asking anyone to come with me."

        I lean down, picking up my bloody machete, the blood being my own blood. I grab a rag, wiping the blood off before glancing back up at Thomas. "I'm in. I'm saving my best friend, even if I die trying."

      Newt steps forward slightly. "Thomas, Say, listen to me. I've known Minho for... well, as long as I can remember. So, if there was any way that we could help him... trust me, I would be up there standing next to you." Newt frowns. "This, what you're talking about... is impossible."

       Jorge steps up with Brenda. "More like suicide."

       "Maybe." Thomas jiggles his hand nervously. "But I know what I'm supposed to do now."

       "It's not just about Minho." Everyone's eyes turn towards me, and I move my hand to my wound, hissing slightly at the contact. "It's about all of us. It's about everyone WICKED's ever taken, everyone they will take." I clench my jaw, leaning down and picking up a rifle, handing it to Thomas. "They'll never stop, so I'm gonna stop them. I'm gonna kill Ava and Janson, with my machete. The machete that the girl I used to call my sister, stabbed me with."

       Harriet gives me a small smile, stepping forward. "I have to admit... I'd like some revenge."

       It was quiet for a moment, until Vince sighs, raising his shoulders up. "Well, thats a good speech, kid. So, what's your plan?"

        Everyone turns to me. My eyes flicker to Thomas, a small smirk appearing on my lips. His head tilts slightly, before a small smirk appears on his lips.


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