↳ 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚎 ✗

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//S A G E//

        WE WERE WALKING QUIETLY, in a straight line with me leading, when a gun shot filled the air. We all stopped walking and I clench my jaw, refusing to let the tears fall. I shut my eyes tightly, my chest heaving up and down. I wasn't that close to Winston, but he was still a friend, a brother, I've known for years.

         I couldn't stop myself as I fall onto my knees. "Sage?" I don't reply to Thomas as my fingers dig into the soft sand. I open my mouth, screaming at the top of my lungs.  Screaming for everyone we lost. Thomas drops onto his knees besides me, shouting my name but I ignore him as I continue to scream. He pulls me into his chest, rocking us back and forth.

        I finally stop my screaming, but the tears don't stop.

       After my break down, we found an abandoned ship laying on its side. We found an entrance and made our way inside. Aris started a fire for us, for light and warmth. It was hot during the day, but now it's freezing. I was sitting next to Thomas, my jacket back on, and I was cuddling into his side, his arms around me. Newt tosses a stick in the fire. "I thought we were supposed to be immune."

         "Not all of us, I guess." I couldn't help but glare at Teresa as she spoke.

         "If Winston can get infected..." Newt slightly pushes. "We should assume so can the rest of us."

         "I never thought I'd say it..." Frypan frowns, tears going down his cheeks. "I miss the Glade."

       The next morning we continued to walk, and walk. It was hot and It was painful. Our legs begging for us to rest. I was dragging my feet the whole time. We were shedding clothes, trying to stay cool. Minho lost his temper and threw his empty canister.

       No food. No water. No shelter. Nothing.

       When it got dark, we decided to rest. Taking my spot next to Thomas I cuddled into him again, as the rest of us stayed in a tight circle, to keep warm. Thunder rumbling in the distant made me sit up. I look to the left, to see light. My eyes widen and I start patting Thomas. "Hey, Hey, Thomas wake up!" I jump up to my feet, grabbing onto my backpack. "Newt! Minho! Get up!"

       The boys mumble, rubbing their eyes as the stand. I point in the direction of the lights. "What does that look like to you guys?"

        "It's lights."

         I let out a breathy chuckle. "We made it." A clap of thunder behind us made us look at the large cloud brewing. My eyes widen as lighting started striking the ground near us.

         Thomas grabs his stuff. "Lets go. We gotta go!" Once everyone was up and on their feet, we started running towards the light source, desperately trying to avoid getting hit by lighting.

       "Come on!"

        "Let's go!"



         Shout were filling the air as I pushed my legs to go faster, so I was in front of the group. I kept looking behind me to make sure everyone was keeping up. "Keep moving! Come on!" We were getting closer and closer to the lights. I started slowing down, but Thomas grabbed my arm, dragging me forward.

       We were right outside the building, when a lightening bolt hit the car next to us, making sparks fly. Thomas throws his arms over my head, shielding me from flying sparks. We continue to run, but i stop when I hear Minho. "Oh shi—."

        Minho gets cut off when a lightening bolt hits the car next to him, but also hitting him in the process. My eyes widen, tears clouding my vision as Minho gets thrown to the ground, smoke coming from his body. "Minho!" I run towards him, sliding on my knees. I place my hands on his cheeks, slightly patting them. "Come on, wake up! Wake up!"
I glance up at Thomas who rushes towards us. "Help me! Help me get him up!"

        Thomas throws one arm over his shoulder and I do the same, before we use our strength to carry Minho into the building. The others where already there, waiting for us. "Hurry up!"

        Once we were inside the building, we shut the door. Me and Thomas laid Minho down on the floor. Newt flashing his light on. I was practically over Minho, tears streaming down my face as I tried to wake him up. "Minho! Minho! I swear to god if you don't wake up!"

        A groan escapes Minho's lips, and he slowly opens his eyes. "What happened?"

           I let out a sigh of relief. "I think you got struck by lightning."

          Thomas grabs onto his arm, pulling him up. "Come on, let's get him up."

         "Nice and slow."

         I roll my eyes at everyone telling Minho to take it easy. It's Minho, he doesn't take anything easy. Minho slightly sways on his feet, grabbing onto my arm for support.

        "What's that smell?"

        Teresa flicks on her light, a Ctank jumping out at her. She screams and I grab her, pulling her towards us. "Behind you!"

         "Oh shit!"

          We flashed our flashlights around the room to see more Cranks lunging at us. My eyebrows slightly furrows at the sight of the chains holding them down.

          "I see you met our guard dogs." Our attention turns to the girl standing in the doorway. She walks towards us, not flinching as the Cranks tried getting a hold of her.

        I bring out my machete, pointing it in her direction. "Stay back! Stay back!"

        She raises her arms in surrender. "You guys look like shit." She then turns on her heel. "Come on, follow me." I share a glance with the group, she turns back to look at us. "Unless you want to stay here with them."

aweee nuuuu my poor bby had a break down :(

this book is so cringey, the writing is shitty, and there's barely any fluff in chapters LMFAO bye

don't be a silent reader
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