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[lmb pov]

we walk to my house and still feel someone behind me other than tae, i look behind me and see an angry jungkook. i thank taehyung and he walks away, i open my door but before i close it i see jungkook's foot on the door.

i open the door and jungkook walks in, i feel him grab my wrist and push me up against the door closing it. i feel jungkook's breathe on my face and my breathing gets heavy.

"so. you like tae?" jungkook says and he pushes me up against the door, his face centimeters apart from mine. his breathe hit my face as i breathed heavily. 

i stare at jungkook for a while until i hear someone's voice come upstairs.

"lisa, is that you?" i heard and knew it was my mom's voice. i push jungkook off and i hear my mom come down the stairs.

i leave jungkook's side and hug my mom, and my mom soon noticed jungkook and i look at him.

"mom. this is jungkook. jungkook this is my mom." i said and jungkook shook my moms hand. i stare at jungkook because i was shocked at who he was so polite to my mom.

"why is jungkook is here?" my mom asked and i blank out.

"Oh..we're doing a project together." jungkook says and put his hand on my back, but i stiffen and i grab his hand off my back.

"you're staying here for dinner, jungkook." my mom screams and i close my door, pushing jungkook into my room as he wanders around.

"please, don't touch anything." i say and grab some clothes. he sets his bag down on the floor and lays on my bed. i walk to the bathroom and get dressed in black shorts and a white shirt, i walk out and notice jungkook on his phone.

"you're leaving right after dinner." i say and he looks up.

"fine." he says and i sit on my bed. 

 [time skip]

we didn't do anything for the rest of the time, i hear my mom scream downstairs and i get up. jungkook follows behind me and i feel jungkook's hand grab my arm, i look at him as he pushes me against the door again.

"answer my question before we go to dinner, baby girl." jungkook whispers in my ear and i shiver.

"do you or do you not like taehyung?" jungkook whispers in my ear again and i gulp. 

"answer me, baby girl." jungkook whispers again tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, i gulp and shake my head. 

"open your mouth and say it." he says and rests his head on my neck. i open my mouth slowly and say it.

"no." i say and gulp again. 

"okay. let's go." he says and pecks my neck, i nod and walk downstairs. my mom and dad were already in the dining room sitting together, while i sat in front of my mom,  jungkook was beside me. 

"so what are you guys working on?" my mom asks serving both of us. 

"um..." i starts and i look at jungkook.

"we're just working a history project." jungkook says and puts his hand my lap, i nod and we both continue to eat. 

"that's nice." my mom said and i nod.

"lisa. i got a phone call from the school." my dad says and i stop eating. 

"they said that you were late to class." my dad says and i sigh with relief.

"i tripped outside and scraped my hands and knees and i went to the nurses office. i got a late pass and that's all." i say and look over at jungkook, but he continued to eat and he didn't bother looking up. 

[time skip] 

i walk up the stairs and jungkook was behind me. i walk in the door and jungkook pulls me so my back was on his chest, my breathing stops and jungkook turns me around. i stare at him and he sets his hand on my back.

"well, i'll be going now." jungkook says and let's go of me. he walks over to my bed and grabs his bag, we both walk down the stairs and i open the door. he says goodbye to my parents and he walks out. 

before whispering something in my ear. 

"don't wear shorts when your around me, baby girl." he says and walks away, i stood by the door and watched as jungkook left. 

i walked up the stairs and jump on my bed. i grab a pillow and scream into it. i stare up at the ceiling and i hear my phone go off.  i look over and see a text message, i open my phone and see who it was. 


how the heck did he get my number?

[a/n: i'm sorry if this another cliffhanger. i will be posting another chapter. it's going to message chapter. hopefully i can get it up soon. i'm sorry if you dislike the word 'baby girl'. i don't know why i use it but i'm that kind of person. welp. comment. vote. and be sure to be prepared for the next chapter.]

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