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[lmb pov]

"where are you going?" jungkook asks getting up.

"jennie's room for the night." i say and start walking out until i feel jungkook's hand.

jungkook gripped onto my wrist and i turn around. he pulls me back in and closes the door, as he slams me against the door and comes closer to my face. he whispers something in my ear and shivers went down my back.

"no you're not going anywhere. your staying here." he says and bites my earlobe. i shiver and hold onto his shoulder.

i hold onto jungkook's shoulder as he bites my earlobe. i bite my lip as he keeps biting my ear. jungkook pulls away and stares at me. i stare back at him and he crashes him lips onto mine. i try to push away but i soon melted into the kiss instantly. he pushes me towards the door and i grab a fistful of his shirt. he pulls me closer and carries me to the bed, and i wrap my arms around his neck as he deepens the kiss. [ i hate writing these types of things. its fucking cringey as fuck. oh well you have to deal with it because that might be an ending to this book ] [i don't]

he throws me onto the bed and i look and see jungkook take off his shirt until my phone started ringing. i hear jungkook groan and put his shirt back on. i take my phone and walk into the bathroom, locking the door and answer it. 

"hello?" i answer and i hear my mom on the other line.

"lisa. when can you book a flight to bangkok?" my mom asks all of a sudden and i furrow my eyebrows.

"why? what happened? did something happen to you and dad? what is it mom?" i ask and pace back and forth. 

"nothing happened to us. it's just that we have to talk to you personally. please. just come." my mom pleads and i sigh.

"fine. but in one condition." i say.

"okay. what is it?" my mom asks impatiently.

"let my friends go with me to thailand." i ask and my mom chuckles.

"that's all. i thought that it would be something bigger. fine. just please book the next flight to bangkok." my mom says and i respond with an ok.

i hang up and walk out. i see jungkook on the bed asleep and sigh, i get in bed and put my phone on the table. i feel the bed shift and i feel jungkook back hug me. i soften and let him hug me, and i feel his hand wrap around my waist and my shirt was riding up. i try to pull it down but it was no use. jungkook's hands were under my shirt which was uncomfortable but i was still fine with it. i feel jungkook's breath on my neck and i feel him kiss my neck.

"jungkook. please not now." i say but he continues.

"jungkook." i whine and moan at the same time. jungkook stops and looks at me.

"you just moaned." jungkook says and looks at me, and i cover my face with my hands and feel my whole face heat up. jungkook pries my hands off and makes me look at him.

"you're so cute." jungkook says and i slap his arm, and he pretends to be hurt but i only hit him softly.

"i booked us a flight to bangkok tomorrow night with the rest." jungkook says and went back to giving me a back hug. i nod and my eyes flutter open and close.

"hoseok, taehyung, and namjoon are staying here to keep the house clean." jungkook says and i nod slowly.

"rest." he says and i nod. he kisses my forehead and we to sleep. after a while i fell asleep in jungkook's arms.

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