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[jjk pov]

i walk out of the room and close the door, sliding down and putting my head in my knees. 

why doesn't the girl that i love, love me back?

i look up and see no one, so i get up and walk downstairs. i walk into the kitchen and clean up the broken glass and throw it away afterwards. after i was done, i walk into lisa's room and find her asleep. i walk over and kiss her forehead, grabbing the blankets and pillows from the floor setting them on her bed. i walk down and put on my shoes, grabbing my jacket and walk outside. 

even though fall just started it gets really cold. i walk outside and hear footsteps, and i look behind me and see lisa. i stop and she runs over to me. she was only wearing shorts and a white shirt with her fall coat. 

"what are you doing?" i asked and she stops.

"i saw you leave." lisa said and stopped trying to catch her breathe.

"lisa, just go back home and rest." i say but she stands still.

"but i want to go get ramen." lisa whines and i tilt my head back. 

"fine. let's go." i say and walk to the convenience store. lisa follows me and we enter the store. i let lisa pick anything she wants and i wait by the register. 

lisa comes back with two boxes of ramen, tteokbokki, and beers. i smile and she sets it down on the table, as i pay for it and then she carries it to the table. lisa and i make the ramen and tteokbokki and we sit and eat in silence. 

"when will you tell the person that you like that you like them." i ask and eat the ramen and tteokbokki. 

"probably today." lisa says and stuffs her face.

"that's great." i say trying to be happy for her but my heart breaks a little. i chug down the beer and lisa stops eating.

"what's wrong?" lisa asks and sets her chopsticks down. i shake my head and continue eating.

"jungkook. i asked what's wrong." lisa asks and puts her hand onto top of mine before i can put it in my mouth. i drop the chopstick and get up. i grab lisa's hand and pull her outside.

"you know what's wrong, huh?" i ask and hold onto her wrist tightly. she nods slowly and she holds onto my hand.

"fine. you're the one i like and i feel like that i'm not the pers-" i say but lisa kisses me. 

i stay still until she pulls back, but i pull her back and hold onto her neck. i deepen the kiss as she places her hand on my chest. i smile into the kiss and she wraps her arms around my neck. i pull back and she puts our foreheads together. 

"you're the one i like." lisa says and pecks my lips again. 

"i'm glad." i say and i step back.

"can we finish the ramen?" lisa whines and i laugh nodding and we both walk back in. 

we continue to eat and talk, then we walk home and finding everyone on the couch awake. jin, jisoo, jennie, and yoongi were in the kitchening cooking breakfast. we walk in and we sit on the couch with the others.

"hey lisa. where are your parents?" hoseok asked and i look at her, but she looks down and plays with her fingers.

"oh..um..they went to thailand." lisa says and continues to look down.

"oh..." was all that came out of hoseok's mouth. 

"there staying there for a month but you guys can stay at least." she says and forces a smile, but i know that lisa is a person who loves her parents and a person who will do anything of anyone and everyone. i rub her back and she smiles, and hoseok notices and whispers something to namjoon.

"are you guys dating?" hoseok asked and everyone stopped what they were doing.

"um..." lisa hums and i look at her.

"yes we are." i say and hold onto lisa's hand. i hear someone scream and look towards the kitchen. i see jennie and jisoo jumping up and down, and i smile looking at everyone. 

"yah! tae, you owe me 30 dollars and another 20 for our bet." namjoon screams and tae groans and pulls out 50 dollars and gives it to namjoon.

"what was your bet?" i ask and namjoon laughs.

"i bet him that you were going to confess to lisa and that it was going to happen at least this week. he thought you were going to eunha next week." namjoon says and puts the money away.

"who's eunha?" lisa asks and i look at namjoon.

"umm...she's j-just a um..." i try to say but nothing comes out.

"she's someone that jungkook likes!" taehyung screamed and rose covered his mouth but it was too late. jimin hit tae on the head and i noticed that lisa let go of my hand.

"lisa. please let me-" i begin but lisa got up and walked away. 

"it's fine. i'm fine. i just need to be alone." lisa says and walks upstairs. 

"kim taehyung. i will beat the crap out of you." i scream and i look at tae.

"i'm sorry it slipped." tae says and i scream again. 

"that was a long time ago and i don't fucking care about her. she just used guys for popularity and fame. she isn't the person that i wanna be with. lisa's the perfect person i wanna be with. she changed me." i say and slide down on the floor. i feel someone's hand on my back and look up, and i look up to see jisoo.

"just fix things with her before she does something you both regrets." jisoo says and i nod. i run upstairs and open lisa's door, finding her on her bed using her phone. 

"jungkook. can i ask you something?" lisa asks and sitting up noticing me. i sit in front of her on her bed, nodding as she breathes in.

"do you think i'm pretty?" lisa asks and i shake my head.

"do you like me?" lisa asks and i shake my head once again.

"do you want to date me one day?" she asks one more time and i shake my head.

"then why are you here?" lisa asks and a tear slips out.

"because i don't think you're pretty but beautiful. i don't just like you, i love you. i don't wanna date you but i wanna marry you one day. but yes i do wanna date you. i'm here because i wanna stay by your side forever." i say and wipe the tear away, kissing her forehead and hugging her tightly.

"i love you...." lisa whispers as she hugs me. i pat her head and kiss the top of her head.

"i love you too.." i say and we collapse on the bed. 

[end of the chapter]

[a/n: wow! i'm so proud of me. i just updated a total of 4 times this week plus two more on saturday. i'm really proud of myself. i set myself a schedule to follow and i will follow it unless i have something really really important on that day. but i wish that you like this chapter. this chapter probably suucks!! but. comment. vote. and share!]

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