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[lmb pov]

i sit on my bed and wait for jungkook to come through the window, i knew that he was making excuses, but i don't even know why he wants to do that. i wait for him to come through, i see his backpack thrown through the window and i just sit there. i see him go through and i just watch him, but honestly i didn't know what to do.

he lunges forward and lands on his back, but i continued to stare at him and didn't do anything. 

"thanks for the help." he says sarcastically, and i smile clapping my hands together.

"well i opened the window for you." i say and he just lays there with no expression. 

"you sleep on the floor because you just stared at me and did nothing." he says and gets up, walking into the bathroom changing. i grab some of my pillows and i grab an extra blanket, laying it on the floor while laying down.

i frown as jungkook jumps on my bed. i sigh and turn to my side, passing out not remembering anything but my body being lifted.

[time skip]

i wake up to my alarm and i look around, the sun hasn't risen and i look around. i see that i was on my bed and i look on the floor. 

no one.

i walk to the bathroom.

no one. 

i walk downstairs. 

no one.

i walk to the kitchen.

no one. 

i sigh and walk back to my room. i look at my phone and see a message.

left early. -jungkook

i sigh and throw my phone on the floor, and getting dressed in my other uniform while eatting breakfast. i walk downstairs and see that my mom and dad left me food. i heat it up and eat it, scrolling through my phone and put my dish in the sink. i walk out grabbing my bag on the way. 

i walk outside and wait for jennie and the others, but i soon hear a beep and look up. i didn't see jennie but jungkook, i walk up to his car as he opens his window.

"what do want?" i ask harshly and he unlocks the door. 

"get in." jungkook says and i was taken back.

"what?" i ask.

"i said get in before i leave you." he says holding the wheel tightly.

"fine. then leave." i say and he hits his wheel, then he opens his door and comes beside me. 

"get in." he says and i shake my head. 

he opens the door and pushes me inside. i put my seatbelt on and stare out the window, hearing the other door close as i continued to stare out the window. 

"when i say something you better do it." jungkook says and grabs my face in his hands, as i looked at his eyes making him pissed.

"your friend jisoo texted me that jennie couldn't make it. she asked me to bring you to school." he says letting go of my face harshly. 

i stare out of the window until we pulled up to school. when jungkook stopped i opened the door and walked out, but no one was outside and i rushed in. i was close to the door until i feel someone's hand on my arm, i flinch and see that it was jungkook. 

"can you not just leave for once?" he says digging his hand into my arm.

"stop. it hurts." i say trying to pry his hand off my arm, but he continues to do that until he sees someone behind me and lets go. 

"lisa!" i look behind me and see jisoo walk towards me with jin. 

"jisoo-unnie." i say and look at her.

"well. i'm going to leave you two alone while i take lisa. bye!" jisoo says and holds my hand. 

"what happened to your arm?" jisoo asked looking at it when we came into the school.

"jungkook happened." was all i said.

"let's go to the bathroom. i'll wet a tissue and put it on your arm so it can cool down, you've been to the nurse already." jisoo says as we walk to the bathroom. 

when we walked in we see chaeyoung and jennie. they were both talking as jennie was trying to fix her makeup. 

"why did you let jungkook pick me up." i ask and jennie stops applying her makeup.

"what?" jennie says and looks at me.

"jungkook said that jisoo told him that you couldn't pick me up." i say softly and look down.

"jisoo told me that you were coming late." jennie says and i feel something cold, and i look and see jisoo put a wet tissue on my arm.

"i only told jungkook to do that is because you both have problems and i want you two to fix them." jisoo says and crosses her arms across her chest. 

"fine." jennie and i say together. 

[time skip]

i walk into lunch with chaeyoung and see another group in the gym. i walk through the crowd and see yet another one of my friends, i looked and saw yeri. she was crawled into a ball and i fall beside her. i get her to stand and i see mark and jaehyun (NCT), i let yeri go to the two boys and i turn around, and i see the small crowd back off. 

i walk towards jungkook and held up my hand, ready to slap him until i feel my hand stop. i look and see taehyung. 

"you shouldn't do that." taehyung says and i look at him. i pull my arm free and slap jungkook on his cheek, as he holds his cheek and he looks at me.

"you shouldn't have done that." i hear someone say and i feel someone grab my hand. 

"what the fuck?!" i scream and i see jungkook pull out of the gym, i scream while see jennie come towards me. jennie didn't make in time because yoongi stopped her, i scream and jungkook covered my mouth. 

he pulled me into one of the hallways with no one there. 

"you better stop screaming." he says and i stop. 

"i said that you should stop interrupting me." jungkook says and pushes me against the wall.

"i'm sorry." i whisper and look down.

"what?" he asks and pulls my face up.

"i said i'm sorry." i said and look at him.

"that's what i wanna hear, baby girl." jungkook whispers in my ear. i look at jungkook and he stares at me. 

[end of chapter]

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