[welcome back]

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[hella short]

[lmb pov]

we board the plane and i sit beside jungkook. it was 9 in the morning and we were going to land at around 3 in the afternoon. i sit down and start watching movies like before. i watch about 2 movies before they served lunch. i watch 3 more and we land in korea. 

we all head back to the house and start unpacking. everyone shared a room but hoseok, namjoon, and tae had their own room. we all walk in and find namjoon and watching tv. we walk in and tae comes and hugs all of us. 

"tae, what's wrong? it's like you haven't seen any of us in like a year." rose says and jimin goes up beside her. 

"it's just really boring here and we've been eating take out because none of us know how to cook." tae says and i hear jin sigh. 

"i forgot that none of you guys know how to cook. why did i leave you guys alone, especially with namjoon." jin said and namjoon hurted.

"i'm kidding. but why did i leave." jin says and we all just shrug. i head to my room and jungkook follows. i start unpacking and i put all the clean clothes back and the dirty clothes in a basket. jungkook gave me his dirty clothes and i walk to the laundry room. i put our clothes in and i start it. 

i walk downstairs and grab something to eat. i look and see that there was dumplings on the table and i grabbed some. i walk up to my room and see jungkook on the bed. i sit down and feed him a dumpling. jungkook turns on the tv and puts it on netflix.

"wanna watch some movies, again?" jungkook asks and i nod.

"wait, i'm going to make some popcorn for us." i say and walk downstairs. i make two bags of popcorn and pour them in two bowls. i grab some candy and walk upstairs. 

"yah! lisa where do you think you're going?" jisoo yells and i stop.

"jungkook and i are going to have a movies marathon. you can have one with jin in your room." i yell and walk back to my room. i see jungkook play the movie and i lay the chocolate and two bowls on the bed. we both start eating and jungkook hugged me.  

we spend the entire night binge watching movies. i feel my eyelids slowly close and i feel jungkook gently grab my head. jungkook lays my head on his shoulder and i fall asleep. i hug jungkook and i hear the tv turn of. 

jungkook moves around and hugs me. i smile and hug him back. i enjoyed this very much. we both fell asleep while the others were watching movies with each other.

[end of the chapter]

[a/n: the only reason i ended this chapter a little early is because i have a quiz tomorrow and i need to study to maintain a good grade in that class, which is physics, and i want to pass really badly with an A but that hasn't been happening. i will update on thursday. by the way, i have ended the blackbangtan imagine and ship book because i don't have anymore ideas and i want to focus on books that have the least amount of reads. hopefully you've been liking this but i'm ending it soon. i think i'm going to end it when it's there wedding and then that's it because there isn't that much to talk about. but please vote, comment and share. ♡] 

the not so bad boy. liskookWhere stories live. Discover now