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[lmb pov]

i sigh and feel jungkook grab my hand. we walk around for awhile and we stop to rest.

"can i ask you something?" jungkook asked and i looked him.

"me?" i asked pointing at me.

"yeah." jungkook says and i just look at him.

"sure. what?" i ask and he looks at his hands.

"do you like someone?" jungkook asked and i stare at him.

i stare at him not saying anything. i look down and put my hands together.

"what's with the questions?" i asked and jungkook raked his hand through his hair. 

"just please answer the question." jungkook says frustrated. 

"fine. you wanna know. yes. yes i do have a crush. do you have a problem with it?" i said and jungkook got up and walked away. 

"yah! where are you going?" i yelled still sitting, as he walked away and i sit on the bench. 

i walk to the cafe with all my bags and sit on one of tables. i still had an hour to go before everyone showed up, so i ordered some food and scrolled through my phone. 

[time skip]

i heard whispering and looked up. i look and see jin and jisoo, waving to them as they sit in front of me. 

"lisa. why are you here by yourself?" jisoo asked and i look down.

"uh...jungkook left to go somewhere." i said quietly.

"did he leave you or did he just 'go' somewhere?" jin asked and i thought for a moment.

"he left." was all i said and the other four appeared.  the others asked the same question and i responded with the same answer.

"we shouldn't have left you." jisoo said and sat across from me grabbing my hands.

"unnie, it's fine. i'm okay."i say holding onto her hands. i force a smile and she smiles back. 

we all sit down and order food. we talk about random things but i stay quiet. i really didn't want to talk to anyone. 

[time skip] 

we all walk to the car and i sit in the back of the car with no one. i stare out of the window and doze off. i hear talking but i continue to doze off. i feel my head move and i pass out. 

[time skip]

i wake up and see that jungkook was beside me. i get up and see that it was dark outside. it was already 9 in the night and i noticed my parents weren't home yet. i walk downstairs and find everyone passed out on the couch or the floor, i walk to the kitchen and grab and glass of water. 

i look and find a note on the fridge. i grab it off the fridge and read it.


we're going to have to leave you for a while. we had to travel back to bangkok to finish some business for the cafe. i saw that you were with friends and i thought it would be find for them to stay. also that jin guy is really good at cook and also jisoo. you should tell jin and jisoo to come by the cafe to cook and help out. also we'll be out for a month and we'll try and come back soon. please stay with your friends.

~mom & dad

i set the paper down and grab a glass of water. i turn around and find jungkook, dropping the glass, i look down at the shattered glass. i bend down trying to grab the shattered glass, but i cut myself and jungkook pulls me up. i stare at my bleeding hand not noticing that jungkook carried me up to my room. he carried me to the bathroom and set me down on the counter. i snapped back to reality when i feel the cold surface underneath me. 

jungkook grabs the first aid kit and sets it down, as he grabs my hand and runs it under the water. i look at my hand and i stare back at jungkook. he was focused on trying to stop my hand from bleeding.

"why are you acting nice all of a sudden?" i ask and jungkook stops.

"do you want me to help you or not?" jungkook says and looks at me.

"wow. i take it back." i say and jungkook let's go of my hand. 

"fine. you help yourself." jungkook says and walks out. i sigh and get off the counter. i clean my hand and grab the band aids. i try to put the band aids on my hand but it kept coming off. i noticed that jungkook was standing beside the door watching me. 

"do you need help?" jungkook asks with his arms crossed across his chest. i nodded and he walks over, grabbing my hand and putting the band-aids on. i walk to my room and sit on the bed, as i watch jungkook fixing the first aid kit and putting it away. 

i sit on my bed quietly and wait for jungkook. jungkook turns off the lights in the bathroom and sit beside me. 

"can i ask you something?" jungkook asks and i fall back on the bed.

"what's with all of the questions?" i ask and jungkook groans.

"please." jungkook asks and i nod.

"okay. can you tell me who you like?" jungkook asks. i stay still for awhile and sit up. 

"jungkook, please." i say and close my eyes. 

"fine. then tell me about who you like." jungkook says and sighs.

"fine. he isn't the type of person that i would like but i'm glad that i like him. we've been at each other's throats but we've been talking and i feel like we've gotten close. there are some ups and downs that we have. he's nice, caring, cute but in school he's mean and doesn't care. i don't know why but i want him to know that i like him." i say and look at jungkook. 

jungkook gets up and walks to the window. 

"you know just tell him so you can be happy and he can be happy." he says raking his hand in his hair.

should i tell him?

"i don't think he wants anything from me right now." i say and look down.

"just tell him so you can be happy." jungkook says and walks out of the room.

"but that person is you." i whisper as jungkook leave. i look down and a tear slips out. 

[end of chapter]

the not so bad boy. liskookWhere stories live. Discover now