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[lmb's pov]

we wake up and i noticed that jin and jisoo already made breakfast and that we got up and got dressed. i walked up to my room and looked around. i smile and see the memories that i had for the past few years. i look around and picked up a picture. i smile as i see me and my parents at the han river. i smile and set the frame down. i grab some clothes and change into them. i grab a box and start putting some of my stuff in it. 

i pack some of my small things in it and look around. i was moving in a few days and i was going to miss the house. i finish some of my small stuff and walk downstairs. i notice that the boys were gone and walked into the living room. 

i see rose and she was on her phone.

"hey, chae." i say and sit beside her. she puts down her phone and looks at me. 

"did you already start packing?" chae asked and i nodded.

"why don't you start?" i asked and switched the channel.

"i'll start packing tonight or a little bit later." chae said and i nod. i stopped switching the channel and started watching the 'running man'. 

"oh...by the way. we're going out tonight to celebrate our audition. just be ready to leave at 7. the boys are picking us up." chae said and walked to the kitchen. i nodded as she left. 

i watch running man for 2 hours and look at the time. it was about 6 and i got up and walked up to my room. i look through my closet and found a red dress and pulled out a pair of black heels. i wash up and dry my hair. i curl some of my hair and put some light make up and look at the time and it was already 6:45. i put on my shoes and grab my phone and bag. i stuff some of my stuff in my bag. i grab a black leather jacket and rush down. 

the girls were already ready and we waited for the boys. we all hear a honk and walk out. we see 3 cars and i get in where jungkook was. jungkook was with jin, jisoo, and taehyung. i smiled and waved at them.

"okay. let's get going." jin said and started driving to the restaurant.

"hey, we should go and visit ahjumma later." i say and jungkook smiled.

"we should. let's go after we eat." jin said and arrives at the restaurant. we walk in and sit down. 

we start and order some food. we didn't want to eat a lot because if we stop by ahjumma, then she might feed us. we order and share some of the food. we ordered some champagne and we toast to a good debut and training. 

we finish up eating and we pay for the food. we decided to walk all the way to the restaurant. we arrive and we were greeted by the warm air.

"ahjumma!" i yell a little and she comes out. the restaurant was empty. 

"oh...come. come. come and sit down. i was about to close up but i'll still serve you guys." ahjumma said and we sit down in the back and we start talking. 

ahjumma came out with a tray of food and namjoon and tae went up to her and helped her out. namjoon grabbed the plates and set them on the table. jungkook, rose, jimin, jin, jisoo, yoongi, jennie, and i were sitting in one table and the other three were sitting beside us. 

"ahjumma, you didn't have to prepare all of this. really you didn't." jungkook said and i smiled at ahjumma.

"jungkook. i called you but you never responded now i owe you because you paid over a little too much." ahjumma says and i laugh.

"see we should've went back." i said and jungkook just stares at me.

"whatever. thank you ahjumma." jungkook says and eats. 

[time skip]

we drive home and i walk up to my room. i start to pack some of my stuff and tape it up. i stack them on top of each other and finish up. i look around and see most of my stuff gone. i sigh and sit down. i start playing some of yg's artist songs and sing to them. i grab another box and fill it with most of my clothes. 

after more than an hour, i finish packing most of my clothes and stuff. i look around one more time and sigh. i walk out and walk to rose's room. she only stayed for a while and she was packing all of her clothes. she had to back home and grab more of her personal stuff. 

i knock on the door and she sees me. 

"hey, how's packing?" i ask and sit on her bed.

"fun but tiring. it's been more than two hours and i'm only half way finished. i still have to fo back home and pack some more things. jennie-unnie and jisoo-unnie are already finished and i want to finish before we leave so i don't have to worry about." rose sighed and sat on the bed.

"it's okay. you'll be finished before we leave." i say and get up.

"thanks. i'll see you tomorrow." rose said as i walk out. i walk to the kitchen and grab a glass of water. 

i walk back upstairs and lay down. i stare at the ceiling for a while until i feel my eyes closing little by little. i move around and settle in one spot. i fall asleep quickly and i sleep until the sun rises.

[end of the chapter]

[a/n: one more chapter and that's it.comment. vote. and share.]

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