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[lmb's pov]

we had arrived back in korea for a while and it's been a while since i've seen everyone in school. we came back to school and it was filled with tests, quizzes, projects, and homework. none of the girls spent their time with the boys because of how busy all of were. most of us are in different years but we still talk to each other. each of us had things to do but i was determined to finish school and get into one of the biggest companies with the girls.

i finish up my homework and make my way downstairs. i walk to the kitchen and see jennie and jisoo cooking food for us. it was already past 7 and we haven't eaten yet.

"jisoo-unnie, why don't you just call jin oppa so he can help you? i still need to finish my project." jennie whined and i chuckle. 

"fine. go and finish your homework. dinner will be ready soon. i'll just have to call jin." jisoo said and walked to the living room grabbing her phone.

"jisoo-unnie, why don't you call all of them over and we can have dinner together?" i asked and jisoo sighed.

"fine. just make sure you finish your homework and everything." jisoo said and i nodded. 

"okay, go and get ready." jisoo said and called jin.

[time skip]

"lisa, jungkook is here with everyone else." jisoo yelled from the living room. 

i sighed and look at myself in the mirror. i was wearing black ripped jeans and a white cropped sweater. i walked down and jungkook was at the door. 

"you ready?" jungkook asked and i looked at him confused.

"what do you mean?" i ask and he looks at me. i look behind me and find everyone else. 

"i'm going to take you out for dinner." jungkook says and i look at jisoo.

"yah, just go. that means more food for us." jisoo said and i give her a death glare.

"fine." i say and walk upstairs. i grab my coat and my shoes. i walk down and put my phone in my bag. 

"ready? now." jungkook asked and i nodded.

[time skip]

jungkook and i were walking around and buying some street food. jungkook let me get anything and he paid for it even though i begged him that i could pay of it myself. 

"don't eat too much. we still have to go the shop that i want to go to." jungkook said and i try to feed him. he eats some and we arrive at a small restaurant. 

we walk in and we sit down beside the window. i take off my coat and jungkook asks me what i wanted. i just told him anything would be fine. 

"jungkookie! you're here. you never visit with the boys anymore." someone said and i looked behind me. 

"ohh...are you jungkook's girlfriend?" ahjumma asked and i look at jungkook.

"i-i u-ummmm...." i stutter and i look at her.

"yes. yes she is." jungkook said and held my hand. i look at him and forced a smile.

"ahjumma, can we get my usual?" jungkook asked and she nods. 

"you know you don't have to force a smile if you don't like anything." jungkook said and looked at me. 

"i know." i just said and looked around.

"it's small isn't it." ahjumma said and i looked at her.

"ani. it's cozy. it feels homey and i feel like i'm home." i said with my voice cracking a little. 

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