[day 2: meeting🔞]

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[lmb pov]

i walk out of the hotel dressed and sat in the van, i tell them where i was going and they drove to my parents house. i go on my phone and scroll through any of my social medias. i close my phone and look outside. it's changed since i last came to thailand. i watch as the buildings pass by until we pull up to the town. i look around and see the different houses. we stop and i see that we stopped at my parents house.

i thank them and exit out of the van. i walk up to the door and ring the bell. i wait at the door and see that the door open. i look and see my mom. i pull my mom into a hug and she hugs back. i look around the house and see my dad in the kitchen. my mom lets me in and i sit on the couch.

"mom, why did you call me here?" i ask and she looks at me and then dad. my mom plays with her fingers and sits beside me.

"lisa, i need to explain something to you after lunch, okay?" my mom says worriedly and i nod slowly.

we eat dinner and i walk into the dining room. we eat and talk about anything and everything but my mom tries to avoid my questions about why she called me here.

[time skip]

i sit on the couch and my mom and dad comes and sits beside me. i look at them and my mom holds onto my hands. i look at her worried and confused.

"mom. please just tell me what's bothering you." i say and hold onto her hands.

"lisa. we have two things to tell you." my mom says and i nod slowly.

"one. lisa, we have to stay here for the next few years. but i don't want you to stay here. i want you to spend your life in Korea with all your friends and i want you to finish school and follow your dreams. i know that your dreams is to become a star and i want that for you but something is holding you back right now." my mom explains and i look at her confused when she said the last part.

"what's holding me back?" i ask and she looks at my dad.

"lisa." my dad says softly and hold onto my hands.

"lisa. we need to arrange a marriage for you. you have to get married to someone by the end of the month." my dad says and i look at him surprised.

"dad. i don't want to get married to a random person that i don't know. please don't let this happen." i plead and i hug him.

"i won't." he says and i pull back.

"what? what do you mean?" i ask and he sighs.

"we made a deal that if by the end of this week if you can find someone that you can marry you don't have to marry a stranger." my dad explains and i sigh. i look down and try to think of someone i know.

"mom. what if i can't find someone?" i ask and look at her with sad eyes.

"you will lisa. trust me." she says and touches my cheek.

"maybe the person you're looking for is right in front of you." my mom says and i force out a smile.

"mom. i'll get going." i say and get up. i grab my jacket and say goodbye to my parents. i wave to them in the van and the van started moving. i watch as they become smaller and smaller as we move farther away from them. i look forward and sigh. i look at my phone and it was already 3.

[time skip]

i make it to the hotel and walk into my room. i look around and find no one in the room. i look and find a note on the table.


we went out back to swim. if we're not back by then, we are still in the pool. come and join us.

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