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[lmb pov]

we get our room and i walk in. i walk in and feel jungkook pick me. he throws me onto the bed and i scream. i look and see jungkook just wearing his shorts and i blush hard. i look at him and see a smirk.

he crawls on the bed and i stay still.

"you know i told you maybe later. now that it's later. let's get started." he says and bites my ear. i moan and hold onto his shoulder.

"jungkook please." i moan and he stops. 

"not now, baby girl." jungkook says and i try to stop him.

"jungkook please not now. i still have to tell you something." i say and he stops. i sit up and look at him.

"what do you need to tell me?" jungkook says and i look down.

"i'll explain over dinner with the others." i say and get up. i walk to my suitcase and grab jeans and a crop top. i walk to the bathroom and wash up. 

[time skip]

 i get ready and curl my hair slightly. i only wore black jeans and a black crop top. i grab my bag and wait for jungkook. when jungkook came out we met up with the others. we all walk to dinner and we ordered what we wanted.

"lisa, i heard that you went and saw your parents. how are they?" jin asked and ate his food happily.

"it was fine. we talked about things." i said and waited for my food. my food arrived and i ate happily too.

"what did you guys talk about." yoongi asked and jennie hit him.

"that's not something you should ask." jennie says and glares at yoongi.

"it's fine jennie. we talked about two things. the first thing was that they were going to stay here for the next few years. they wanted me to stay but they want me to stay in korea with all of you guys and they wanted me to finish school and follow my dreams." i say and set my fork down. 

"what was the second thing that you guys talked about?" rose asked and nod.

"my parents want me to have an arranged marriage." i say and everyone stops.

"lisa. we're happy for you but we don't want to give you up to some stanger." jennie said and i stop her.

"jennie. i'm not getting married to a stranger. fully." i say and she looks at me confused.

"my mom is letting me pick the person i'm going to marry but it has to be before we leave this week." i say and everyone sighs a relief.

"why don't you marry jungkook?" jisoo says and everyone agrees.

"i-i-i do-don't know." i say and look at them.

"come on lisa. he's the only one that you're close too. if i got the option on marrying someone it would be jin." jisoo says and points at him. 

"i have to ask my mom first. then she'll approve." i say and explain everything.

"okay. that's fine." rose said and we all ate our food.

i noticed that jungkook didn't speak at all.

[time skip]

we all walk to our rooms and jungkook walked in without doing or saying anything. i washed up and walked out. i look around and see no jungkook in the room. i look and see him outside on the balcony. i walk over to him and hug him. he was just looking out at the city and i rested my head on his shoulder.

"are you actually going to marry a total stranger if you don't find anyone." jungkook says breaking the silence.

"no. there's you." i say but he doesn't smile.

"but what if your parents don't like me? what if i'm going to lose you? what will happen to us?" jungkook asked and i hug him.

"jungkook, stop with the what-if. my parents will love you. they already met you once and they will still love you. nothing's going to happen to us but probably get married. but you're not going to lose me." i say and hug him. jungkook hugs back and i smile.

"jungkook, saranghae." i say and he kisses my forehead.

"i love you too." he says and pulls away from the hug. he looks at me and stares at my face. he leans in and kisses me softly. all of the other kisses were rough but this was soft and i love it. i kiss him back and wrap my arms around his neck.

he pulls back and we put our foreheads together.

"i'll never let go." jungkook says and i smile.

"when will i let go of you?" i question and he chuckles.

"never." he says and pecks my lip.

jungkook pulls me inside and he gets dressed. i lay on the bed and scroll through my phone. i didn't notice the bathroom door opening and i feel jungkook jump on the bed. i put my phone down and hug jungkook. i hug jungkook and he smiles. 

jungkook started to become the more soft bunny that everyone knew when he was small. but he changed but now he's back to the loving, soft bunny. i hug him and he kisses my cheek.

"lisa, are we going to meet your parents tomorrow?" jungkook asked and i nod.

"okay. then i'm ready." jungkook says and i smile.

"i'm glad you are. i already knew that you are ready. they'll love you and you'll love them. trust me." i say and jungkook nods. 

jungkook and i fell asleep but too many thoughts filled jungkook's mind for tomorrow.

[later that night]

i feel the bed move and open my eyes. i look and see jungkook up. he looked frightened and i sit up.

"jungkook?" i ask and he looks at me. he hugs me tightly and he was sweating. he pulls back and looks at me. he looks around the room and his heavy breathing slows down.

"what's wrong?" i ask and hold onto his shoulder.

"your parents." he kept repeating and i look at him confused.

"what about my parents?" i ask and he calms down.

"your parents didn't like me and they took you away from me. i don't want you to leave me." jungkook says and i see tears forming. 

"jungkook, i'm not going anywhere. i promise you that." i say and hug him.

"now. let's go to sleep. if it makes you feel any better, you can hug me for the rest of the night." i say and we both lay back down. he hugs me for the rest of the night and i smile.

[end of the chapter]

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