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"No kiddo its fine its my treat" he pays he on the head. My phone looks like this.

 My phone looks like this

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"Again I'm not 3 but ok." I say pissed off.

"And a laptop?" He asks the worker.

"Oh my god Daniel Seavey you don't have to get me this stuff!" I say feeling spoiled

"Again Brayden Marias it is my freaking treat ok?" He looks over at me and smiles.

"Ok fine" I feel so bad right now. This is what my laptop looks like. (You can choose your color)

"thanks so much Daniel" I give him a hug

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"thanks so much Daniel" I give him a hug.

After they get Braydens phone set up
"Oh Shiitaki mushrooms we got to go" he says looking at his phone. We go back to the boys and Jonah I mean dad sees my phone.

"Did you ask Daniel to so that" he asks.

"No he got it I told him not to but then he insisted on it." I just put the blame on Daniel. If I didn't feel guilty before now I do.

"Can I take her shopping for clothes now?" Zach whines.

"Yeah sure but be Back by 2:30 oh and after that we are getting Chipotle." (current time is 1:00 p.m.) Jonah says.

"K sweet by dad" I say to my dad.

"K where to first Brayden?" Zach asks.

"Ummm how about rue 21, then hit topic and etc." I say.

These are the outfits that I got

These are the outfits that I got

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