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I wake up to... corbyn holding his Nintendo switch.

"Hey... do you want to play?" He asks.

"Sure I have nothing better to do" I say getting up. We play games for about 3 hours and then I get a call from... ugh carter.

"Be right back corbs" I say. And walk out of the room and answer the phone.

"What do you want Carter?" I say.

"I want you back, Brayden (boy) is bad for you!" He says.

"Hahahahaha hell no bitch bye now." I say and hang up. I go back in and play games with for 2 more hours until dad calls us for lunch. We are going out to eat. AS A FAMILY he said that and looked at me and zach... ouch.

We go to eat and get back and I get a text from someone.

Unknown: It's over from now on you don't know me ok?

Me: Ummm who are you?

Unknown: Good... bye now

That was very very weird. but i have had weirder things happen to me in my life. We go and eat at Chipotle and then get home and it is around 6:00 p.m. and there was a knock on the door like 5 minutes after we got home. I answer the door.

"Hello." I say.

"Hello is your father here?" the lady says.

"ummm yeah one second come in." I say

"DAD!!! SOMEONE IS AT THE DOOR FOR YOU!!!" I yell. he comes in the kitchen and a look of worrry comes on his face.

"brayden will you go and listen to Daniel play chello for a few" he says. I listen to him and go in the other room

sorry i haven't been updating lately i've been busy

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