"Zach hurry up with the ice my ankle hurts so so bad" I whine.
"Well... You should have not ran" Zach whines.
"Please Zach..." I whine.
"Fine" he rolls his eyes and puts the ice on my foot.
"Thank you" I say giving him a devilish smile.
2 days later
We are on the plane ride home and I take a picture of my ankle t tell the fans... And my dad
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Braydenmarias: have you ever just slipped at a pool and sprained your ankle?
Jonahmarias: wtf
seaveydaniel: 😖😖😖 awwwww text me
User382: what a bitch
Kirapaul: 👆👆😂😂😂
Corbynbesson: well... At least you aren't dead
Christinamarie: corbyn besson😌😌😌you are so embarrassing
I decide to text Daniel
dani-bug Me: hey
Daniel: are you feeling good? So you need anything? Candy? A hug? A kiss? Medicine?
Me: Daniel 😌😂 I'm fine... But candy and hugs and kisses would be nice.
Daniel: okay I will pick you up from the airport. Love you babe
Me: luv you to my danisaur
Then I turn off my phone and fall asleep..
I wake up and we ate almost there... At least the announcer said we are... We get to the airport...I mean the plane stops and I get my bags and see Daniel and corbyn and dad. I run up to daniel and hug him and then dad and then corbyn. We go home and I go in the door to see kira and zach sitring on the couch. Kira glares at me and I run up to my room.
Hey guys is kimber, um I wrong be updating for like... a few days becsuse I will be busy trying out for cheer and softball and track and school... Sorry... But here is a little chapter... by my limelights