I start to feel drunk and that the last thing I remember.
2 hours later
I wake up and notice my phone buzzing like crazy. So see what the commotion is all about.
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Braydenmarias: I love doing everything eith this girl @kirapaul
Jonahmarias:I'm so upset with you Brayden. We will deal with this when I get home.
Loganpaul: what the actual fuck @kirapaul
User373: ↑↑↑
Oh god I'm in so much trouble. I go upstairs to look at myself in a mirror but when I walk j n to my room a couple is in there getting very dirty. So I turn around. But then I turn back around.
"Kira?" I say. "With Brayden" I say and walk up to Brayden and smack him in the face.
"Kira you can't loose your freaking virginity at 14 that is way to young." I yell at her.
"Wait bray please don't hate me" Kira says.
"I don't I'm just disappointed." I say and spam my door.
"ALRIGHT EVERYONE OUT... RIGHT NOW AND BRAYDEN MARIAS AND KIRA PAUL GET YOUR ASSES DOEN HERE RIGHT NOW!!!" sad yells at me and Kira. Kira walks out of my room dressed. Brayden (boy) runs down the stairs and out of the house.
We walk down the stairs.
"What the heck guys... we thought we could trust you..." dad says. Trying to keep his cool.
"You guys are way to young to be drinking. And... posting about it... no... Brayden. Kira give me your phones." Dad says and puts out his hand. I give my phone up and so does Kira.
"Go to your room and don't come back out we are Going to think of your punishment" dad says and points to my room. We go up there and start freaking out.